Tereza Benáčková
32 years old
Favorite sports
Beach volleyball
1-2x / month
1-2x / week
Inline skating
1-2x / month
3-4x / week
1-2x / month
Favorite venues
Ahoj Terko, chceš hrát ještě volejbal v partě žen 25-26 let. Hrají zatím 4.třídu a jdou na postup. Pro současnou i novou sezonu shaníme posily. I já - trenér Zdeněk (znáš mě z Tatranu). Chceš-li, ozvi se na č. 608136258. Guma Ti potvrdí, že je to moje číslo. :-)
before 8 years
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková changed level of cycling to advanced
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková has a new favorite sport cycling
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková changed level of running to beginner
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková has a new favorite sport running
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková changed level of inline skating to advanced
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková has a new favorite sport inline skating
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková changed level of volleyball to advanced
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková has a new favorite sport volleyball
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková changed level of beach volleyball to advanced
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková has a new favorite sport beach volleyball
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková changed their description
before 9 years
Tereza Benáčková has a new profile picture
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