Standa Rott
46 years old
Looking for
Hledal bych celkem parťáka / parťačku na lezení na stěnu jako trénink případně na ferraty do Alp... V jednom se to nedá...
Favorite sports
1-2x / month
1-2x / week
Inline skating
1-2x / week
Public ice skating
1-2x / month
1-2x / week
1-2x / month
Climbing wall
1-2x / month
Rock climbing
1-2x / month
1-2x / month
1-2x / month
Favorite places
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new profile picture
before 8 years
Standa Rott added new photos
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport paragliding
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of cycling to beginner
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of sauna to advanced
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed their description
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of supermoto to beginner
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport supermoto
Hledal bych celkem parťáka / parťačku na lezení na stěnu jako trénink případně na ferraty do Alp... V jednom se to nedá...
before 8 years
before 8 years
Standa Rott does sports in Plzen
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of swimming to beginner
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport swimming
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of rock climbing to beginner
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport rock climbing
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of climbing wall to beginner
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport climbing wall
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of cycling to advanced
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport cycling
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of sauna to beginner
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport sauna
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of public ice skating to beginner
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of public ice skating to advanced
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport public ice skating
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of inline skating to advanced
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport inline skating
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of fitness to advanced
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport fitness
before 8 years
Standa Rott changed level of skiing to advanced
before 8 years
Standa Rott has a new favorite sport skiing
Show more
Standa Rott
Mám rád hlavně legraci. Nejsem soutěživý typ, ač se rád zpotím. Proto kolektivní sporty, kde se lpí hlavně na výsledku a výhře, moc nemusím. Resp. jsem se jim odjakživa vyhýbal:)