Roman Krotký
34 years old
Favorite sports

1-2x / week

1-2x / week

1-2x / month

1-2x / week

3-4x / week

3-4x / week
before 9 years
Roman Krotký changed level of crossfit to advanced
before 9 years
Roman Krotký changed level of crossfit to beginner
before 9 years
Roman Krotký has a new favorite sport crossfit
Ahoj , ako si na tom so Sqashom ? Dlho som nehral a rad by som sa rozhybal I za cenu poriadnej nakladacky ... ;-)
before 9 years
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of cycling to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of cycling to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of cycling to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký has a new favorite sport cycling
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of volleyball to beginner
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of volleyball to beginner
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of volleyball to beginner
before 10 years
Roman Krotký has a new favorite sport volleyball
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of squash to beginner
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of squash to beginner
before 10 years
Roman Krotký has a new favorite sport squash
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of tennis to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of tennis to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of tennis to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of tennis to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký has a new favorite sport tennis
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of fitness to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of fitness to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký changed level of fitness to advanced
before 10 years
Roman Krotký has a new favorite sport fitness
before 10 years
Roman Krotký added new photos
before 10 years
Roman Krotký has registered on SportCentral
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