Miroslav Jung
57 years old
Looking for
ahoj, hledám spoluhráče na pravidelný squash v Plzní. 1-2x týdně.... 2 žluté tečky :-)
Favorite sports
1-2x / week
1-2x / week
1-2x / month
Mountain biking
1-2x / week
1-2x / month
Disc golf
1-2x / month
Favorite venues
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of disc golf to advanced
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung has a new favorite sport disc golf
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of paddleboarding to beginner
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung has a new favorite sport paddleboarding
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of mountain biking to advanced
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung has a new favorite sport mountain biking
ahoj, hledám spoluhráče na pravidelný squash v Plzní. 1-2x týdně.... 2 žluté tečky :-)
before 5 years
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of squash to advanced
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung has a new favorite sport squash
before 5 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of snowboarding to advanced
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of snowboarding to beginner
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung has a new favorite sport snowboarding
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of squash to beginner
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of squash to advanced
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung has a new favorite sport squash
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of tourism to advanced
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung has a new favorite sport tourism
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung changed level of cycling to advanced
before 8 years
Miroslav Jung has a new favorite sport cycling
before 9 years
Miroslav Jung has registered on SportCentral
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