david warne
49 years old
Looking for
Hi there. Im looking to find someone to play table tennis with each week. I used to be very good. But it has been a a long time since i played seriously. So i ask this person to be patient. Im an competitive Australian, living in Clark. ( four years now ) Have great facility nearby. Interested?
Favorite sports
1-2x pro Woche
1-2x pro Woche
Vor 6 years
david warne geänderte Niveau der tennis auf advanced
Vor 6 years
david warne geänderte Niveau der tischtennis auf advanced
Hi there. Im looking to find someone to play table tennis with each week. I used to be very good. But it has been a a long time since i played seriously. So i ask this person to be patient. Im an competitive Australian, living in Clark. ( four years now
Vor 6 years
Vor 6 years
david warne hat auf SportCentral registriert
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