C/ Verdi, 169, Barcelona
Otevírací doba
PO | 09:00-22:00 |
ÚT | 09:00-22:00 |
ST | 09:00-22:00 |
ČT | 09:00-22:00 |
PÁ | Zavřeno |
SO | Zavřeno |
NE | 09:00-22:00 |
PO | ÚT | ST | ČT | PÁ | SO | NE | |
09:00-22:00 | 09:00-22:00 | 09:00-22:00 | 09:00-22:00 | Zavřeno | Zavřeno | 09:00-22:00 | |
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Frizzant.com is a virtual light that promotes health and harmony in your body, mind and soul. We offer yoga classes for all levels of experience - from beginners to advanced practitioners. Our goal is to create harmony, focus, and balance in your life through yoga and meditation.
At Frizzant.com, we offer a wide variety of online yoga classes covering different styles and approaches. You can immerse yourself in the world of Gatha Yoga, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Restorative Yoga, and many other styles. Our professional teachers will help you develop and find a deeper connection with your body and mind.
We welcome beginners with open hands and help them understand the basics of yoga. Our guides and video tutorials will help you familiarize yourself with different asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing practices) so you can find your personal yoga practice.
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