studio MUŠA
Sportovní 4, Brno
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Body Forming
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Interval aerobik
Kickbox Aerobik
Kondiční cvičení
Kruhový trénink
Step aerobik
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PO | 16:30-19:00 |
ÚT | 09:30-10:30 |
ST | 16:30-17:30 |
ČT | 09:30-10:30 |
PÁ | 16:30-17:30 |
SO | 09:30-11:30 |
NE | 09:30-10:30 |
PO | ÚT | ST | ČT | PÁ | SO | NE | |
16:30-19:00 | 09:30-10:30 | 16:30-17:30 | 09:30-10:30 | 16:30-17:30 | 09:30-11:30 | 09:30-10:30 | |
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studio MUŠA
Sportovní 4, Brno
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Jose Coffey pořádá událost doodle jump
Pá 16.2. 5:00 2024 | body forming | zápas | studio MUŠA
před 1 rokem

joy clark pořádá událost Distinction Between AR 15 Uppers and Lower Receivers
St 23.6. 10:00 2021 | zanchin budo | závod | studio MUŠA
před 3 roky

joy clark
AR15 is the 15th design of Armalite Rifle Edition. This model is divided into lower and upper receivers. In case if anyone wants to purchase the firearms accessories along with upper and lower receivers can go check out the awesome collection of Ghost Firearms on their website. Now moving to the point, one of these two parts of AR is only one original firearm segment. The lower receiver is the component of the AR 15 that includes the fire controller gathering (the trigger, hammer, disconnector, and fire selector). The left part of the AR 15 is the upper receiver or upper assembly that features versatility and customizability of the AR15.
The lower receiver is the exclusive part of the AR that must be labeled with a successive number, manufacturer’s title, and so on. Because of this, the lower receiver is a particular part that must be marketed through an authorized weapon seller. The upper receiver is modular in perspective so it is more convenient to sell out everything from the charging name to the barrel and track order. The modular configuration suggests any AR 15 buyer can decide between buying a complete upper receiver elements kit or buying around for the most reliable AR abettors and pieces to build their own upper assembly. Defense Grid is a fully licensed company that keeps a wide range of both upper and lower receiver accessories.
Basically, the AR 15 as a firearm device promotes small businesses so that they can concentrate on building one (or a few) AR 15 segments. This is how small companies like Defense Grid delivers the growth of sales online. Moreover, both of the receiver elements can legitimately be exchanged online as well as in shops. Buyers can anytime go through the website of Ghost Firearms to make their choices.
před 3 roky

joy clark
před 3 roky