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Krašovská 1696/30, Bolevec
Ratings (0)
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Venue type

Gyms and sports halls, Indoor site

Activities for

Children between 3 and 6, Children under 16, Seniors

More services

Snacks (baguettes, hot dogs, ice cream, snack bar and beverage machine, etc.), Toilets, Shower


Krašovská Aktivity centrum Plzeň je místem pro aktivní trávení volného času. V široké nabídce aktivit z oblasti sportu, tance a umění si vybere opravdu každý. 

Hlavním cílem Krašovská Aktivity centra je poskytnutí kvalitního zázemí a podpory plzeňským spolkům, klubům a organizacím v jejich činnosti a prostřednictvím toho přispět ke kvalitě volnočasových aktivit ve městě a dopřát možnost aktivního trávení volného času široké veřejnosti.

Opening hours

MON Schedule
TUE Schedule
WEN Schedule
THU Schedule
FRI Schedule
SAT Schedule
SUN Schedule
  Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule


Organize a training session or a tournament at this sports venue, invite your friends or find other participants.


Past sports events

RACE | from
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Competition | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Tournament | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Other | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
RACE | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Other | from to
Other | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Training | from to
Other | from to
Training | from to
Other | from to
Training | from to

Your rating

Rated 1x


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Krašovská 1696/30, Bolevec



Krašovská 30, Plzeň 1-Bolevec
Krašovská 1696/30, Bolevec
Krašovská 1696/30, 323 00 Plzeň 1-Bolevec
Krašovská 1696, Plzeň 1-Bolevec
Západní 18, Plzeň


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Eva Bočková organizes Zdravý dětský den s FN Plzeň
Sat 25.5. 14:00 2019 | basketball, dance, jumping, parkour, running | race | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Fitclub - posilování
Thu 21.3. 19:00 - 20:30 2019 | exercising, stretching | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Fitclub - posilování
Thu 14.3. 19:00 - 20:30 2019 | exercising, stretching | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Fitclub - posilování
Thu 7.3. 19:00 - 20:30 2019 | exercising, fitness, stretching | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Čínská cvičení(čchi-kung) pro zdraví a vitalitu- Plzeň
Sat 6.4. 9:30 - Sun 7.4. 16:00 | qigong | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Březnový parkour workshop
Sat 23.3. 9:00 - 14:00 2019 | parkour | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Workshop Fly yogy
Sat 13.4. 9:00 - 15:00 2019 | fly yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Den s basketbalem - Minibasketbalový turnaj a soutěže
Sun 10.3. 10:00 - 12:00 2019 | basketball | tournament | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Benchmark run 2019
Sun 7.4. 12:00 - 21:00 2019 | running | competition | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes FLY YOGA BASIC začátečníci
Sat 16.2. 9:00 - 11:00 2019 | fly yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 5 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Jóga a Pilates
Thu 17.1. 19:00 - 20:30 2019 | exercising, fitness, pilates, yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Jóga a Pilates
Thu 10.1. 19:00 - 20:30 2019 | exercising, fitness, pilates, yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Jóga a Pilates
Thu 3.1. 19:00 - 20:30 2019 | fitness, pilates, yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Power Jóga
Tue 22.1. 19:30 - 20:30 2019 | power yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Power Jóga
Tue 15.1. 19:30 - 20:30 2019 | power yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Power Jóga
Tue 8.1. 19:30 - 20:30 2019 | power yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes BASIC ACRO FLY
Sat 19.1. 9:00 - 11:30 2019 | fly training, fly yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Vánoční Jumping Party
Sun 16.12. 18:00 - 20:00 2018 | fitness, jumping | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Body workout POUND
Sun 6.1. 16:00 - 17:00 2019 | exercising, fitness, pound | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Jóga v čase adventu
Sun 16.12. 15:00 - 17:00 2018 | yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Adventní workshop parkouru
Sat 1.12. 9:00 - 14:00 2018 | parkour | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Festival kondice Plzeň 2019
Sat 16.3. 9:00 - 16:00 2019 | exercising, fitness | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Jóga v síti pro děti Ukázková lekce
Wed 12.12. 17:00 - 18:00 2018 | exercising for children, fly yoga, yoga for children | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Čertovská basketbalová nadílka
Sun 2.12. 15:00 - 17:00 2018 | basketball, entertainment | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Salsa styling workshopy s Dóra Egressy(Maďarsko)
Sat 10.11. 15:00 - 18:00 2018 | dance, salsa | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Sobotní Jóga v síti
Sat 17.11. 9:00 - 11:00 2018 | fly yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes Úplňková Jóga a Rituál
Wed 24.10. 19:00 - 20:30 2018 | yoga | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes PAB trénink CORE(BITCH)
Wed 31.10. 19:00 - 20:00 2018 | circuit training, functional training, tabata, weight training | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes PAB trénink CORE(BITCH)
Wed 24.10. 19:00 - 20:00 2018 | circuit training, functional training, tabata, weight training | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
Správce SportCentral organizes PAB trénink CORE(BITCH)
Wed 17.10. 19:00 - 20:00 2018 | circuit training, functional training, tabata, weight training | training | KRAŠOVSKÁ AKTIVITY CENTRUM PLZEŇ
before 6 years
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