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12 healthy tips for taking care of your heart


Following healthy lifestyle habits could prevent 80% of heart attacks and other potential problems with cardio. If you think that you are too young to think about your health or have too many more important issues to solve in your life, think again. 

When I was younger, I used to value my studies and job more than my health. Still, When I grew up, I understood that many other services could do market research or write an essay for me, but no external service will provide me with a healthy body. This is how I started following these tips, and now I will share them with you.

1. Lower your blood pressure
Hypertension is one of the factors that most increases the risk of suffering a heart attack. According to the American macro-study known as SPRINT9, with blood pressure levels of 12/8, there is a better survival rate. 

High blood pressure is one of the most important risks. That is why taking steps to achieve these blood pressure levels is essential. The Mediterranean Diet is the most recommended, as it is rich in vegetables, legumes, fruit, and low-fat dairy products. Half an hour of daily walking or moderate physical exercise is very useful in preventing this disorder.

2. Eat fruit
To protect your general health and keep your heart in good condition, you should eat fruit every day: eating just one piece a day reduces the risk of developing a heart problem by up to 34%, as shown in a recent study by the University of Oxford. Fruit is cardioprotective because it is rich in potassium, fiber, folic acid, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. If you eat 3 or 4 portions a day, all the better.

3. Do not exceed your work time
Exceeding the number of hours you spend at work damages your cardiovascular health in the long term. According to research from the University of Texas Health Science Center, a 46-hour workweek or more increases the risk of heart attack, angina pectoris, and other types of heart failure.

4. Drink tea
If you like tea of any kind (green, red, black, etc.), you will find in it a star ally for your heart. People who drink at least one cup a day are 35% less likely to have a cardiovascular problem than those who do not, according to a study by Johns Hopkins Hospital (USA), which shows that this drink prevents calcium deposits in the arteries.

Another study from the University of Harvard also highlights its benefits, focusing on the antioxidant properties of tea, especially if no sugar is added.

5. Maintain your emotions
Taking care of your emotional well-being is essential for maintaining good heart health. Sadness, anger, or even excessive euphoria can destabilize even the healthiest heart. Although the absolute risk of suffering a heart attack associated with intense emotions is low, it does exist.

So avoid situations that upset you as much as possible, and if you have no choice but to face them, do so calmly, trying to relativize the moment and using relaxation techniques.

6. Avoid anxiety
Anger and anxiety are two emotions that increase the risk of heart attack by up to 750% within two hours of feeling them intensely, according to a study by the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney (Australia).

If you experience intense anger or anxiety, the risk increases 8.5 to 9.5 times from that moment until a couple of hours later. The increase in heart rate, blood pressure, clotting, and the hardening of blood vessels that occur during these emotional episodes are hazardous combinations for the heart.

7. Sleep well
Spending nights tossing and turning in bed without sleep leads to nervousness, tiredness, and irritability, but it also increases the risk of a heart attack. According to a study by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, people who have trouble falling asleep almost every day are 45% more likely to have a heart attack.

Bad habits are often responsible for insomnia. Therefore, it is essential to follow a regular schedule, avoid heavy dinners, and do some exercise in the evening, which allows you to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep.

8. Mind your cholesterol consumption
According to the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC), exceeding 240 mg/dl doubles the risk of heart attack, according to the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC). In any case, it is considered that the level of LDL lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) should be below 160 mg/dl. In addition, the optimum is to have "good" cholesterol (HDL) above 40 mg/dl.

If there is too much LDL in your blood (the bad one), circulation can worsen. To lower the level, the Spanish Atherosclerosis Society advises avoiding being overweight, not smoking, taking regular exercise, and following a diet rich in vegetables and fish.

9. Control your weight
Accumulating fat in the abdominal area is not just a cosmetic concern: it also predisposes you to cardiovascular disease, as fat cells create inflammatory substances that affect heart tissue. It also worsens blood pressure. Keep in mind that every kilo of weight you lose reduces your waistline by 1 cm, and your body is thus keeping possible disorders at bay.

10. Take care of your teeth
Taking care of your gums is essential to prevent the bacteria in your mouth from reaching your heart and damaging it. Remember that unresolved gingivitis (gum infection) can lead to periodontitis, which can even affect circulation. To avoid this, you should maintain good oral hygiene (brush your teeth for 2 or 3 minutes, gently but intensely) and visit the dentist once a year.

11. If you are a woman, be extra careful
There is a higher risk of coronary heart disease among women with hormonal deficiency, ovulation problems, without ovaries, or early menopause. If this is your case, have regular medical check-ups.

12. Give up smoking
Tobacco affects the heart both in its internal functioning and in blood circulation. While men's consumption decreases, women's consumption continues to rise, making them more vulnerable to heart disease.

These are just some advice you should follow. Following these points or not is your personal choice, but believe me, your heart will be thankful if you do.

Here are some more useful resources for you:

How to Turn Problems into Solutions: Flip-to-Action Method

How To Design Profitable Email Marketing Strategies

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