Use Find My Funds to search for your unclaimed or lost property
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Find My Funds is a completely free and secure website that easily allows you to search for unclaimed or lost property in any of the more than 20 states that participates in its program. Examples of unclaimed or lost property that is safeguarded by state governments include, but are not limited to, bank accounts, safe deposit box contents, uncashed checks, insurance policies, CDs, trust funds, utility deposits, stocks and bonds, wages and other financial assets that have been placed on inactive status. By visiting Find My Funds, which works directly with each participating states’ official treasurer's office, you can conduct a thorough search on its consolidated unclaimed property database. If you locate unclaimed property, money or other assets that are owed to you, simply file a claim with the state where it’s being held. State governments receive hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed property on an annual basis and this site’s database is updated daily with new properties!
San Francisco
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