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Abacus Classes In Hyderabad – UCMAS Telangana
28.8.2019There was a period when people were surprised to see the benefits of abacus training and much more surprised at the fee, especially in India. There were a handful of companies that offered abacus education and course objectives were well met. Over time, things change and Abacus franchise education is no exception. Today, there are tens of companies popping up everywhere, where people (trainers) take abacus training online or through YouTube videos, making the quality go for a toss.
Being a highly priced sensitive market, a major chunk of the population believes that any person with abacus training can take abacus classes for their children and get the benefits of abacus education. Well, it is only after a few months of unsuccessful efforts and their children gaining absolutely nothing as promised, they start questioning. Unfortunately, the blame is oriented towards the abacus training instead of questioning the standards of the ill-equipped trainer.
In this context, some of the pre-requisites (like a checklist) that need to be taken care of prior to joining your child in any institute are mentioned here:
1. Ensure that the canter is associated with a reputed organization
If you are looking for a center associated with a reputed organization, it will ensure the quality of teacher, curriculum, teaching methods, end benefits promised, which cannot be guaranteed for a random local institute.
1. Ensure that the curriculum is extensively researched
It is good to check if the company staff have published any research papers, which validates the research into the design of curriculum. Else, it can be a copy of a successful international company.
1. Check the background of the company and its presence

A company with an international presence would have an established system, extensively researched curriculum, easy availability of centers across the globe which a local company cannot achieve.
1. Check the claims / end goals promised by the company regarding Best Abacus classes in hyderabad
Most local companies Focus their promises on only improving (the speed in) arithmetic calculations through abacus classes. Truth is that abacus education is not limited to the speed of arithmetic calculations, but also the improvement of life skills for the child such as Concentration, Observation, Memory Power, Imagination, Creativity.
1. Presence of feedback
It's essential that there needs to be a channel for feedback in case things to haywire. If the company does not have a proper feedback channel, it should ring some alarm.
1. The company is certified by global agencies, China Zhusuan Association (CZA) or Global Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association (GAMA).
The collaboration of companies with these associations to ensure the highest quality standards in abacus training for your children
Well, last but not least, if any institute offers you complete abacus training during your particular holidays like summer vacation or Dussehra holidays, keep distance from such people as it might not be useful for children until they undergo majority of the course which Would take some time.