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1 členů | KLUB

Warning Signs


All of our top providers are ethical businesses that make their profits by providing legitimate privacy services. There are companies out there, however, that some people have had issues with. Some of the issues include finding out that the free vpn for chrome client application provided the company that offered it with too much access to the user’s computer.

If you’re suspicious of a provider, that is a warning sign. You should be able to have complete confidence in the company that you’re paying to safeguard your privacy. If the application that they provide causes issues with your system or if you find out that it gives them a form of access that you’re not comfortable with, consider a different provider. If you haven’t decided on a provider yet, consider buying a block account so that you’re not committed to one particular service.

If you’re truly worried, take a look at our top providers and set up your connection manually. There are some great providers out there and most of them have safe and well-designed clients. If you have doubts, however, remember that good providers should give you a manual option. It will just be a bit less convenient for IP address switching and so forth.

Connecting manually, if you haven’t done it before, might seem a bit complex, but it’s really not that difficult. On Windows and Mac OS, it’s a straightforward process and some of our top providers have instructions on hooking up to their services manually.

One disadvantage of doing this, however, is that it makes it harder for you to choose from the service’s available servers. If you’re using your VPN to get a connection in a particular country, for instance, you’ll have to manually reconfigure.

For the truly security conscious, make sure you use is not as secure as the other options, though the encryption it provides is sometimes adequate for those who aren’t too worried about being watched.

Useful resources:

6 Best VPNs for School 2023

What is a VPN?

How Does a VPN Work?

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