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Event announcement: How to write a good essay lection


How to write a good essay
Before we get straight to the steps on how to write a good essay, what is an essay and what does a good essay contain? An essay is an article written, usually short, on a particular topic or subject. It displays the writer's mind on that topic on paper. It consists of three parts of me;

Introduction: Here the topic at hand is briefly introduced.

Body: This is the main part of the essay. Here the main ideas and any other details related to the topic are explained. It may contain many paragraphs.

Conclusion: Essays should not be so difficult if one can really understand that it is about a certain topic. Then what do you really have to say about that topic at hand: 'Man and Technology'? The essays are there to pour your mind over an issue. Some topics may write by write papers for money online and leave you clueless, but thanks to the internet, magazines, journals, newspapers, etc., we are able to get information, put it together and put thoughts about the idea on paper.

Steps to Writing an Excellent Essay
Follow these steps below to write an excellent essay:

Ton Ta Mind
This is the first and most important step. You need to be ready. Just know that it's not easy, but it's fun. Decide within yourself to make a good essay so that you don't feel reluctant while constructing the essay. Writing an essay is about you.

It's about telling the reader how you feel about the topic. You won't express yourself properly if you're not interested or reticent. Making a good essay is first and foremost a work of the mind. "Whatever you set out to do, you will do". Once your mind is set, even if you enjoy the topic, ideas will start to bubble up.

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