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1 členů | TÝM | Spain



However, the goal of erotic massage is not necessarily to have sex but to give pleasure to the receiver in such a way that they end up having a sweet sexual release.

Erotic massage is simply the use of some tantra massage madrid by a giver to the receiver’s erogenous zones in order to achieve their sexual excitation and to achieve orgasm. It is important to note that massages have been used as a tool for medical relief in the early times but the erotic dimension to it is something different and serve another purpose other than the medical aspect.

Erotic massage can be adopted for both men and women. For instance, in the case of women, the pubis and the breast are the main focal areas in erotic massage while when it comes to men, the major area of focus is the genitals. While the main aim of erotic massage is not to have sex but it is important to state that erotic massage can lead to sex especially for couples. For instance, some couples use it as part of their sex life, some use as their foreplay while to some it is the final sex act or a part of sex therapy.

Is Erotic massage Different from Normal Massage?

There are many types of massage no doubt but they are all different in their techniques, approach and what they hope to achieve. For instance, the origin of massage started as the traditional type which focused on healing and the general well-being of a person. It is no erotic. However, in recent times, this traditional form of massage have been adapted into different types of massage that focuses more on pleasure and fun rather than healing as it was initially. In fact, it is important to mention that traditional massages have been adapted to modern times to produce erotic massages.

There are a lot of massages available and this could be confusing especially for people who are new into massage. However, madrid massage can be generally categorized into traditional, exotic and erotic. The importance of knowing these classifications is that it helps a person decide on what they want especially for those going to get a massage in a massage center.

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