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First Day in College

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First Day in College: A Survival Kit for College Freshmen


You have been waiting for this for so long and now it is just around the corner – your first day in college. But how to find your way on campus without getting lost? How to make new friends? This article is here to reduce your first day anxiety and heal your insomnia.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Newcomers

According to the statistics from the there are 10 simple steps, which could ensure your success on your first day in college:

  1. Take your time and make a trip around the campus just to familiarize yourself with everything. Try to find all the classrooms from your schedule for the first day. This can be an exciting adventure. And you will enjoy your privilege over the rest of freshmen who will walk around with their eyes widely open, asking passers-by: “Where is classroom 204 a?”
  2. Take care of your clothes, shoes, and hair, the day before your study starts. You should not dress up, but sloppy clothes and hairstyle are not good either.
  3. Pack your bag beforehand. Do not skip your breakfast running across your room and searching for a pen and your keys.
  4. Have a good night rest and set an alarm clock. Be realistic when making calculations and choosing the right time for getting up. If you have any difficulties falling asleep, you can drink some warm milk or herb tea, read a book, count sheep or think about something boring such as how to write a strong history essay.
  5. Choose a good seat (somewhere in the middle – avoid the extremes of the front and back rows), because it can become your seat for the rest of the semester.
  6. Smile, establish eye contact with others and do not wait until somebody talks to you – feel free to make the first step.
  7. Control your sarcasm when talking to people you just met. Sure, you may have an outstanding sense of humor, but your fellow students might be unprepared for it as of yet.
  8. Avoid making too many negative remarks. Yes, you might dislike somebody from the first sight. No, you should not share this first impression with others. On one hand, you can easily change your mind a few days (or even hours) later. On the other hand, negative criticism is the worst topic for the first conversation ever, and is absolutely inappropriate for making new friends.
  9. You should not worry too much about what other people think of you. The other freshmen, who surround you at the moment, are preoccupied with how you and other students perceive them.
  10. Do not miss your first classes! You might think that the first lessons are not that important and you might visit a local cafeteria instead. However, your teachers do not think so. Let’s not forget your main goal in college. You are here to study, right?

Pack Your Bag

Here’s a checklist with the must-haves in your bag:

  • notebooks, pens and pencils;
  • your schedule;
  • sandwiches, some water and fruit;
  • napkins and/or a handkerchief;
  • some money.

Even after your classes are over, your first day in college is not. Keep the door of your dorm room open to show that you welcome new acquaintances and you will boost your college social experience.

Public Speaking Essays: First Steps to Perfect Public Performances

Some students think, “Why should I develop public speaking skills? I am not a public person, a famous businessman, or a politician”. This position is absolutely wrong, because speaking well on public is a skill that may become handy at any point in your life.

Your essay on public speaking may be the first step to comprehending some secrets of successful public performances and of course it shows the important benefit of writing essays. In this article, we want to present several secrets of how to prepare effective public speaking essays if you are stuck and have no idea what to discuss. These are a couple of ideas for you to develop in your public speaking essay.

Public speaking essays: start with essentials

Imagine someone who has no experience of speaking on public. Explain this person how to develop and improve public speaking skills. What should he/she start with? For instance:

  • practice a lot in front of the mirror;
  • practice in front of your family or friends;
  • watch videos with famous people giving public speeches, etc.

Public speaking essays: help with the main difficulties

Fear of public speaking is the major problem for many people. In your essay on public speaking, give some pieces of advice on how to manage this problem. For example, you can mention that it is extremely important to know your topic perfectly, have visual aids, plan a presentation, etc.

Public speaking essays: performing for specific audiences

Actually, it is one of the ways to narrow down the focus of your essay on public speaking. Explain how to make an excellent public speech for the business audience, for example. What peculiarities should the speaker keep in mind?

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