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First Day in College

1 Mitglieder | KLUB

Dorm Roommate Contract: To Share or Not to Share Things?


According to the specialists from the site, conflicts are almost inevitable between college roommates. Along with the many other hardships of living in the dorm, your co-existence with a roommate can become a real torture unless both of you strictly follow certain rules. A detailed roommate contract is an effective solution for establishing these rules, minimizing your stress and trouble.

Don’t feel embarrassed to discuss the diverse aspects of your dormitory life with your new roommate- and do it as early as possible, as the earlier you do it, the better it is. Don’t wait until the ambiance in your room becomes unbearable because somebody uses your favorite mug or does not like to wash the dishes!

Be prepared to approach the issues like a diplomat would do and write down the results of your negotiations as a contract, signing up 2 copies of it (seriously, this is not a joke!) This “document” could protect you from unpleasant, but otherwise too common scandals: “I told you that!” – “No, you did not tell me!” The question of sharing or not sharing certain things, as well as the terms of their use should be the number 1 issue in the contract, so that you have a comfortable life in a dormitory.

Things Appropriate for Sharing

So, here is a quick checklist of things you could share with your roomie:

  • refrigerator;
  • printer (your personal computer however should remain your personal computer, because you will badly need it for study and won’t be able to wait until your roommate completes a new level of a video game);
  • fan;
  • DVD player;
  • TV set;
  • WI FI router;
  • carpets
  • curtains;
  • dishes;
  • detergents (shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste);
  • food (the latter two options are rather tricky; you should consider them only after you live together for some time and can see whether your likes and lifestyles are compatible.)

Things not Appropriate for Sharing

We, as well as medical researchers, would recommend that you avoid sharing the following personal items:

  • clothes (we understand that some of you, especially girls, would ignore this one, but then you should at least establish strict rules for borrowing and returning things);
  • towels;
  • sheets;
  • bars of soap;
  • razors;
  • nail clippers.

If you decide to share something from the first list, it’s a good idea to share the costs for things that you need to buy often, such as food and detergents, but split the big items among you so that each of you pays the full price for some of the appliances you need. For instance, you could decide to buy the fridge, while your roommate buys the DVD player and a scanner. This approach helps to avoid trouble with sharing your property at the end of your study. At least you won’t need to break your TV set into pieces in order to share it (without an initial agreement of this type, some students might truly not see a better way out.). So, do not forget to include this important point in your roommate contract. And you may live in peace with your roommate during bad and good times, during parties and preparation for exams until the end of the year or graduation separates you.

Persuasive Speech Essays: Mixing Speech and Essay Writing Skills

So, you are about to start writing a persuasive speech essay. Make sure you understand that this task is not about preparing mere persuasive essays, or a typical speech, or an essay on speeches. You are supposed to mix your essay and speech writing skills and create a persuasive speech essay. Sure, we are ready to help you and explain the main stages of preparing perspective speech essays. To do this, you must enroll in an editing course and a course of writing a perspective speech essays.

A speech or an essay

It is a good idea to sort out first what exactly you need to write – an essay or a speech. Well, the whole process will resemble both writing a persuasive essay and a speech. Particularly, first you will have to take some steps typical for writing persuasive papers:

  • choose a controversial issue for discussion;
  • research it and collect supporting evidences;
  • be direct in your writing;
  • organize your persuasive speech essay into paragraphs.

Why then this task is called a persuasive speech essay.

You definitely want to know what part of your assignment will look like a speech. You know, the main secret lies in the overall organization and tone of persuasive speech essays.These are some speech features that should be presented in persuasive speech essays:

  • No complicated language so that the audience can get what you say.
  • Simple sentence structure. Long, sophisticated sentences in persuasive speech essays distract from the main idea.
  • Some strong words that will make an emphasis on your position and convince the reader of your persuasive speech essay.

Before writing persuasive speech essays, you can do one useful thing. Find several speeches of famous people, read and analyze them, think why they sound so persuasively and attractive.

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