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Essensys Eu

1 Mitglieder | TEAM | Belgium

Too expensive? How Executive Interim Management saves your company money – with essential added value on the side


Cost vs opportunity

Hiring an external executive interim management guarantees unique strategic input for your company. Not only does an experienced yet fresh approach bring a new dynamic that allows you to achieve exceptional results. An external interim manager broadens your strategic horizon as well. Providing you with out-of-the-box thinking and alternative measures no internal counterpart can peer with.

And of course, expertise and experience come with a price tag. Our executive interim managers all hold great experience in their trade, living up to the highest business standards and each bringing a unique set of skills to the job. How do you determine what this opportunity is worth for your company?

Well, first of all, by getting all the facts straight.

Comparing the right variables

It happens. When opting for an executive interim manager, the price might seem too high. And clients start comparing monthly salaries with daily rates, leaving out the bigger picture of salary packages, secondary benefits, leave days and bonusses.

At Essensys, we do the math every day. The results? Even when we disregard the added value an external interim executive search brings to the table in expertise and strategic insight, the choice for an interim manager is one that goes easy on your company budget. And in many cases is more cost-efficient than hiring fulltime staff for the job.


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