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1 členů | TÝM

Rental Lease Agreements - Custom Or Template?


If you're running a property management company full time with many complexes or units, it's more likely that you need a custom document. It might be worth the money to just hire an attorney, explain your situation, and have them draft one for you.

However, most landlords own less than a dozen properties so this might be an overly complex solution. There are a huge number of websites and resources out on the internet alone that provide templates or stock documents that can be used to draft a Rental lease agreement template.


Advantages of Custom Documents

Custom documents are more likely to come with a guarantee from the person who drafts the agreement. This might provide more peace of mind for the landlord. There's also the advantage that the document tends to look more professional and up to date than many that are freely available out on the internet.


Hand made agreements can also be individually tailored to the special needs of a landlord or a tenant.

Advantages of templates

Templates are normally free, which is likely the biggest draw for a property manager on a budget. Though most are freely available, it's also important to note the number of outdated, incorrect, or even incomplete documents.

Templates can also be custom tailored to some extent, and for the majority of landlords this is an acceptable solution as they're free, low maintenance, and they cover everything needed to rent the apartment.


Conclusion - the easiest way to decide

The easiest way to decide if you're in need of a custom Rental lease agreement template or if a template will suffice is to evaluate your needs, the number of units you're renting, and if the document in question covers everything needed. Take a look around the web for some different documents and try to determine which ones might work for your situation. With some persistence, most landlords will find that basic templates available for free a sufficient for their needs.

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