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Major Reasons Why Students Avoid Writing


Students are required to do lots of writing whether they are in schools, colleges, or universities. However, students in today’s educational system avoid or dislike the writing process considering it to be a laborious and daunting process. Students are guided thoroughly and provide with detailed instructions to write an essay or paper. The standard length of an explained summary can shift and depend on an essay writer with your writing piece. It is considered a major process to help students understand how to learn and communicate ideas effectively. Nevertheless, students find it difficult to follow the guidelines and fail to understand the purpose of learning writing skills.


Whatever the case may be, students who are not interested in or willing to write but are forced to do so develop a dislike for it and shun all writing activities. It may be a time-consuming process for certain students. Some people believe that the writing process is complicated since there are so many components that must be brought together. Other hobbies, such as watching TV or playing video games, serve as a distraction for some students, causing them to despise the writing process.


According to research, laziness, a lack of desire, and an unacceptable attitude all contribute to being a poor paper or essay writer. It could have negative implications such as a loss of motivation, demoralization, and broad academic dissatisfaction. So, why do students avoid or dislike writing? The primary reasons for students' dislike or avoidance of the writing process will be discussed in this article.



Boring process

In today's world, kids have developed hobbies that are not limited to reading and writing. Such exercises are thought to be more enjoyable and engaging by students. They have lost interest in reading and writing as a result, they get easily bored. They couldn't handle reading about it before, and now they had to write about it as well.


Fear of failure

Fear of failing is another important reason why students dislike or avoid the writing process. There are some students who can easily buy a custom essay writing service to put their thoughts on paper. Sometimes students might not fully comprehend the directions. They don't even try to begin the assignment because it is too difficult for them. They lack basic knowledge of writing structure and norms and hence consider writing as a difficult task that cannot be completed satisfactorily. Many students end up taking help from paper writing service providers to get their tasks done.


Lack of basic knowledge regarding the writing process

It is critical to have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of the essay or paper writing process. Students must be taught the fundamental rules and structures of an essay or paper so that they may understand and apply the instructions given by their supervisors or teachers. Sometimes pupils can't even put together a simple phrase or spell a common word, which is the cornerstone of the writing process. Such errors contribute to pupils' distaste of the reading and writing processes.


Dyslexia as a hurdle to the reading and writing process

Some students may be affected by conditions such as dyslexia, which can be a big hindrance or cause them to dislike the writing process. Dyslexia is a problem with written expression. It is linked to neurological learning and writing incapacity, resulting in pupils' bad handwriting. It leads to poor spelling and prevents the automatic use of writing mechanics. Such kids dislike the writing process since it is tough for them to write.


Recent bad experiences related to the writing process

Students in their high school are given a task to write an essay or paper many times. It could be a class test, graded assignment, or final project. They may find writing frustrating because of any recent bad experience. They realize that even after spending lots of time and effort they are not successful in producing an effective piece of writing. They consider writing a difficult task.


Rewriting results in frustration

No one can compose a faultless essay in one sitting. When writing an essay or a report, even students who have mastered writing skills make multiple faults or mistakes. The requirement is to read, look for errors, edit, and revise the errors they committed in their first versions. Students frequently regard it as a time-consuming procedure that frustrates them. Students are occasionally obliged to write and write a specific piece of paper, which bothers them, even more, when they already feel anxious about their work.


In-depth research required before writing

Whatever type of writing you are needed to accomplish; you must conduct considerable research on the topic before writing. If students are facing difficulty in writing, it’s better to contact companies that will cater all your write my essay requests instead of risking your grade. You must understand the fundamentals of how to conduct research for a specific issue and where to obtain the necessary information. It is a difficult task for students to complete. Teaching writing structure for various types of essays, as well as the brainstorm, outline, rough drafts, and final copywriting process, offers your students the confidence they need to tackle any writing assignment, including advanced-level essays.


Despite all these reasons for hating or avoiding the writing process, it is still considered an essential part to be successful in both your academic and job careers. You must need to master basic writing skills so that you would have the reasons to hate or avoid the writing process. I also feel discouraged to write my paper or paper sometimes due to lack of motivation or any other reason mentioned above. However, the following are the tips that can be considered to motivate students and like the writing process.


Useful Resources:

Essay Topics for Different Academic Levels and Essay Types

Essay Writing - Process, Steps, and Examples

Essay Writing Problems and Their Simple Solutions

Essay Writing: A Complete Guide for Students of Every Level

Extensive Overview to Write an Essay Outline

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