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Article 4


A Simple Guide to Writing Essays in Political Science-2022

Political science is a branch of social sciences that discusses, analysis, and explains government and political institutions and their processes. Through political science, one looks to explain and understand the struggles for power, revolutions, stability, war and armed conflicts, forms of governments, the distribution of power and wealth, and political and social liberty.


The academic essay on topics of political science gives the essay writer the opportunity to explore and discuss various issues and provide conclusions. The essays can also be a comparative one where different political theories are pitted against each other, while others require you to argue for or against a political issue. 

Plan and Research

If you are tasked to write an essay on the topic of political science, you will be either given a topic or you will be asked to choose a topic for the task. It might be useful for you to choose a topic that is already familiar to you. 


Your thesis will begin to form depending upon how you interpret the evidence and examples that you have come across during your research. You will also use one of many brainstorming techniques to jot down your thoughts and provide yourself with an outline or take help from write my essay online. 


The research will be more than just surfing the internet for related web pages. You will need to read into academic journals, books, and scholarly essays. It will be beneficial for you to get acquainted with various theories and systems before you talk about them.


The structure of essays on political science doesn’t differ much from others.  


The introduction will have your central argument or your central theme. You will introduce the subjects at hand and hint at the relationship between them. In the thesis statement, you will explicitly state the claims or arguments that you will raise and talk about. 

Body Paragraphs

In the body paragraphs, you should present your strongest point at the start. It is also advised that a deductive form of logical reasoning should be used to reach your arguments. You should state the evidence or the example at the start and analyze it to form general conclusions and statements of findings. 





You should revise for the readers the salient points and arguments, along with their importance and implications. Make sure not to add any new material to the text in this part.    

Perfect the Style 

You should maintain a formal tone throughout the essay while making sure that the language is simple and direct or take help from an essay writing service. You shouldn’t write to impress but to be understood. Employing short sentences, using active voice, and refraining from gaudy language fulfills this purpose.


Instead of using quotations, you should present the gist of the text (with the citation), the essay should be more about what you think than what others do. 


Your essay should be thoroughly proofread and reviewed. Make sure to have someone else read your essay, especially for sentence-level errors. The review can also raise areas of improvement in the essay that you can work on. 


Make sure that the punctuation and grammar used in the text are used correctly. Equip yourself with proper knowledge, so that you can make use of the full potential of punctuation and grammar. For example, they might help you communicate complex ideas and examples with creating punchlines,  listing items, indicating relations, etc.


To make sure you can perfect the style, grammar, and punctuation, remember to always finish the essay before time and allow for enough time for it to be reviewed by your peer or a professional. 


Following this guideline, you will always end up with accurate and flawless essays. 






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