Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop
| Yogaspace - Joga v Praze | VergangeneBeschreibung
AYURVEDA, the Indian medical and self care science is synonymous with the science of Yoga. A traditional approach to complete well being incorporates an individualised health plan based on your Ayurvedic constitution; this plan includes yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, dietary changes, appropriate massage, and other practices.
In this workshop, Priya will introduce you to the concept your individual constitutions, elaborate on each constitution type explaining how to nurture each constitution physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We will learn and practice some very simple and easy self care rituals that can basically change your health completely. We will talk about food, how to manage your weight, what food groups for which constitution and how to maximise your health with good nutrition. We will discuss sleep and individual health disorders and how to manage your health effectively.
At the end there will be a Yoga class on both days where emphasis will be laid on how various postures work for different constitutions.
The workshop will run on Saturday and Sunday morning
Dates: 21 - 22 April. Time: 9:30 - 13:30 am
Cost: 2,000 Kč (advanced payment), 2,300 Kč at the door
To register or obtain more information, e-mail us at [email protected]