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VI Barcelona Yoga Conference ♥ 21-25 July 2016 | NEW DATES!!

| Barcelona Yoga Conference | Vergangene
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Bernard Sacy
I have a ticket May price and I unfortunately will not be able to attend... anyone interested?
Vor 8 years
Hey! What are details of the ticket?
Vor 8 years
It is a 3day pass Sending you PM
Vor 8 years
Brett Randell
Hey : ) Traveling yogi-musician from the states here! Anyone want to meet up and practice/hang/explore this weekend? I'll be at the festival on Sat and exploring the free acro events on Sunday. Feel free to msg - peace!
Vor 8 years
Chris Miller
Anyone has a ticket left?
Vor 8 years
Are you still searching for a ticket? I could help out
Vor 8 years
Aykira Inu
Hello <3, can you recommend me a place to stay? Where are more participants are staying. thank you
Vor 8 years
Ey Friends if you're coming to the Barcelona Yoga Conference I have a room free ... for 3 people ...message me imbox ... love
Vor 8 years
Lea Dalsgaard Pedersen
Hi ? Anybody have a room close by I can rent for the conference 21-25?
Vor 8 years
Airbnb will help you find it :)
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
I would be up to share an apartment.
Vor 8 years
Ey Friends if you're coming to the Barcelona Yoga Conference I have a room free ... for 3 people ...message me imbox ... love
Vor 8 years
Dasha Radovanovic
I'd love to come to this but the tickets are way too expensive for me right now. Is it worth visiting for the free events alone..??
Vor 8 years
You have a full program of free events. Join us !
Vor 8 years
Great! I will :)
Vor 8 years
Sina Premal Kaden
Hello, I am selling two - 3 day passes for the barcelona yoga conference for 250 Euro each. Anybody interested?
Vor 8 years
I'm interested if you still have it?
Vor 8 years
Laura Vilches
Hola! Tengo un abono de 3 dias de la Barcelona Yoga conference (precio de marzo) y no voy a poder asistir. Si hay alguien interesado puede contactarme por privado, Saludos
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Whitney Handrich
Is there a BYC accommodation or rideshare group? If any local hosts have a spare room/couch/floor, please private message me! I will be flying in from India on 20 July! Also, if anyone is driving to Malaga or Jaen after the conference, please let me know if I can join you! Thanks!!!!! Si alguien de Barcelona tiene una habitacion/un sofa/un suelo para alojarme durante BYC, por favor me avisas!! Llegare desde India el 20 de Julio. Ademas, si alguien vuelve en coche a Jaen o Malaga, me avisas y podemos compartir el viaje!! Mil gracias!!
Vor 8 years
Creo t puedo ayudar en Barcelona, !!!! Ketal Whitney
Vor 8 years
aqui tienes un link de un evento para personas buscando alojamiento...
Vor 8 years
Sarah Druschke
Hi there, I have a question regarding the pricing and sorry if it's been answered before. The one called 5 Day pass (pre, main and post conference): does it indeed cover for all events happing on those five days including, for example, ANUKALANA YOGA with Jacopo Ceccareli on Friday, 22nd, or/and Ashtanga Yoga with David Williams on Saturday, 23rd? Thanks very much!
Vor 8 years
Yes ! it covers all the events from 21st to 25th
Vor 8 years
Enni Hadzimustafic Dzekova
Barcelona here I come! Thank you my love Samir Hadzimustafic///Barcelono už se těším!Děkuji lásko má! ///Barcelona evo me dolazim! Hvala ti puno ljubavi!
Vor 8 years
Weeeeeehaaaaaa see ya soon ??❤️
Vor 8 years
Laura Coqs
Julie Thln
Vor 8 years
Tanya Milette
Hello, what language will the conference sessions be offered in?
Vor 8 years
90% of the classes are in English
Vor 8 years
Raquel Losantos Martinez
Por favor, ¿No podeís publicar también en español? Muchas gracias (No hablo inglés)
Vor 9 years
Bueno hay cosas en español y sino ponlo en un traducto es lo que queda. Pero si al ser un evento encima que se hace en BCN deberían ellos adaptarse a nosotros.
Vor 8 years
Leï La
Hello ! there is no prices on website and Facebook, how much is the entrance ? ;) thank you
Vor 9 years
General BYC prices here
Vor 9 years
Mireille Aboghé Leblanc
Vor 9 years
Albena Radszuhn
For SURE!!???
Vor 9 years
Kim Kay
Hi Therese, This looks amazing. I would love to go, but I don't think its going to happen. I've started studying Yoga Therapy, really enjoying it. Need to take on non paying clients now to continue with the study. Should be a great learning experience.
Vor 9 years
Bummer...would so love to see you sooner rather than later....perhaps I will have to visit you in HongKong??
Vor 9 years
That would be great
Vor 9 years
Any chance of your coming to India for the International Yoga Festival in March 2016??
Vor 9 years
Lena Wiesbauer
BYC you next year:)
Vor 9 years
Daniel de la Cruz
Por muchos años...
Vor 9 years

21.7.2016 - 10:00 | 25.7.2016 - 18:00

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