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Trénink pátek 18.11

| TRAINING | Sokolovna TJ Sokol Všetaty - herna stolního tenisu | Finished
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before 8 years Milan Kulíšek is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
before 8 years Zdeněk Růžička is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
before 8 years Zdeněk Bízek is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
before 8 years pavel moulis is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
before 8 years Vojtěch Primáč is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
before 8 years Václav Müller is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
before 8 years Milan Urban is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
before 8 years Jakub Němeček is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
before 8 years Milan Lukeš is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11
before 8 years David Kubíček is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11
Antonín Pokorný
Hoši, zkuste spíš vybírat z PŘIJDU nebo NEPŘIJDU. Buďte rozhodnější. Vždyť to také mohu v nejhorším případě změnit. Ale slovo MOŽNÁ neřekne zhola nic, i když tam ta volba je. Zdraví Tonda
before 8 years
before 8 years Petr Malý is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11
before 8 years Jakub Němeček may attend Trénink pátek 18.11
before 8 years Pavel Rubín may attend Trénink pátek 18.11
before 8 years Milan Urban may attend Trénink pátek 18.11
before 8 years Jaroslav Bíba is going to attend Trénink pátek 18.11 (set by event creator)
Club section Stolní tenis - TJ Sokol Všetaty organizes Trénink pátek 18.11
Fri 18.11. 18:00 - 21:30 2016 | table tennis | training | Sokolovna TJ Sokol Všetaty - herna stolního tenisu
before 8 years

Friday 18.11.2016 | 18:00 - 21:30

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