Said el Amir - Summer Dance Camp - Pilsen 2017
| TRAINING | FitDanceArt - nám. Republiky | Finished
Pro místně a historicky znalé ;)
chtěla bych na neděli zarezervovat restauraci na večeři. Chcete do Nebe kousek od náměstí, jak jsme byli vloni anebo do té italské na nám.T.G.M.?
before 7 years
Mně se líbily obě, nedokážu se rozhodnout... :)
before 7 years
Jsem pro italskou :-)
before 7 years
Nezapomeňte uhradit doplatek nejpozději do 25.6. ;)
Kdo potřebujete vystavit fakturu, zašlete mi prosím své fakturační údaje, díky
before 7 years
Kami? Mohla bych poprosit o info, kolik Ti mam doplatit? Diky moc
before 7 years
Po vyplate :) super
before 7 years
Dear dancers, if you have an intent to join our summer camp and you have not still sent your registration, it is time to do it right now as we have a few spots left ! Registrations to be sent via e-mail to: [email protected]
Looking forward to all of you :)
before 7 years
09:00-10:30 Body awareness training - Where are my muscles and what to they do?
10:30-12:00 Modern Dance - Breathing techniques. dynamics, easy floorwork, jumps
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-14:45 jomdance - Combinations in oriental-jomdance-style
15:00-17:30 Raks Sharki jomdance-style - Part 1 including stretch
09:00-10:30 Body awareness training - Where are my muscles and what to they do?
10:30-12:00 Modern Dance - Breathing techniques. dynamics, easy floorwork, jumps
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-14:45 jomdance - Combinations in oriental-jomdance-style
15:00-17:30 Raks Sharki jomdance-style - Part 2 including stretch
09:00-10:30 jomdance-Techniken - Combinations from ballet, modern dance and oriental dance
10:30-12:00 Modern Dance - Breathing techniques. dynamics, easy floorwork, jumps
13:00-14:45 jomdance - Combinations in oriental-jomdance-style
15:00-17:30 Raks Sharki jomdance-style - Part 3 including stretch
09:00 - 12:00 Teaching advices - Structuring your class is one of the most important thing to be a successful teacher. Not only because of efficient use of time but also because of time saving preparation phases.
Knowing the systematics of diagonals, combos from beginners to advanced and use of combos in class will relax your preparations and will ease your teaching. On top of this, you'll be flexible in all teaching directions and you can always adapt your aims to the attendies' skills and needs
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 16:00 Staging - Where to go or stay to achieve a certain effect or create a special emotion, is one of the most interesting part of professional staging in a choreography.
Knowing the principles of stage use is essential for impressive performances - Join the "club" of those who know
before 7 years
before 7 years
Event Said el Amir - Summer Dance Camp - Pilsen 2017 was updated
before 7 years
Said el Amir - Summer Dance Camp - Pilsen 2017 changed venue to FitDanceArt - nám. Republiky
before 7 years
Said el Amir - Summer Dance Camp - Pilsen 2017 was linked to Facebook
Posledních 6 míst !!! / Last 6 spots ! ;)
before 7 years
Doufám, že ještě chvíli jedno místečko vydrží :-D ...moc chci jet, bylo to úplně supr... ale pořád ještě není jisté, jestli to vyjde... :-x
before 7 years
VÝHODNÁ CENA již jen 14 dní!
Upozorňuji všechny zájemce, že výhodná cena je platná pro zaslané přihlášky s uhrazenou zálohou do 31.3.2017 včetně.
EARLY-BIRDS PRICES available last 2 weeks !
Just to notice all interested, early-birds prices are available for binding registrations with paid deposit until 31st March 2017 incl.
before 7 years
Z blíže nezjištěného důvodu nefunguje on-line formulář. Registrace zasílejte prosím mailem na: [email protected] Děkuji za pochopení.
Due to an undetermined reason, the on-line form doesn´t work. Please, send your registrations via e-mail to: [email protected] Thanks for your understanding.
before 7 years
before 8 years
2.7.2017 - 9:00 | 5.7.2017 - 16:00