| Paintball Hradec Králové | Vergangene
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International Student Union (ISU
It starts at 3pm and we can stay for 2/3 hours, we just need to finish up before it gets dark :)
Vor 10 years
Adam Abdul Karim
so now it starts at 12 and ends at 5/6 ?
Vor 10 years
International Student Union (ISU
Vor 10 years
Adam Abdul Karim
yayerrr :D
Vor 10 years
** The event has been changed to 12pm now guys so we can accommodate for the increase in the number of people coming!! **
Vor 10 years
Hey guys, great to see that so many of you are up for coming to paintball next week!
** Please only click attending if you are DEFINITELY coming - our maximum capacity for the tournament is 40 PEOPLE **
Vor 10 years
Samstag 25.10.2014 | 12:00
für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich
TEILNEHMER (64 + 20)