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Nohejbal volume 9

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Daniel Grice
Before I go ahead and book this, do we actually have enough people going to justify it?
Vor 8 years
Simon and I are in
Vor 8 years
I'm up for it!
Vor 8 years
Ben and I are also in
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
I'm down
Vor 8 years
Thats enough to start. 12-3 work for everyone?
Vor 8 years
I'll arrive, to watch you, point at you and throw in an occasional laugh, but I won't be playing.
Vor 8 years
Marc & James Murtagh?
Vor 8 years
Sorry to be a cunt but I'll decide on the morning. Been on my feet all week and might be too fuckered.
Vor 8 years
Out, but up for the midweek one if its still going?
Vor 8 years
Ideally we want 2 more for 4 teams - im guessing Honza will still be in - maybe Liam James Burton?
Vor 8 years
Im in
Vor 8 years
Daniel Grice
This weekend! Don't forget (and honza get home before 9am)
Vor 8 years
Keith Scully
Clashing with Chilli festival....
Vor 8 years
Ill bring you a habanero
Vor 8 years
Ha ha ha... I'll bring you a Scotch Bonnet ?
Vor 8 years
Off with the lads to Dublin that weekend, mate.
Vor 8 years
Nohejbal volume 9
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Samstag 1.10.2016 | 11:00 - 18:00

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David J Boniface
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Julia Koval
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Daniel Grice
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James Murtagh
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Daniel Jerabek
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