Mentoring "Mental Health in Dance"
| Tanec, sport a cvičení - Fitdanceart Plzeň | UplynuláPopis
Mental Health – Commonsense vs. Deportment / Habitus in the scene
Practical tips and philosophical impulses
Take advantage of long-standing experiences at international dance scene, of our guest teacher, dancer and choreographer, Said el Amir. Since more than 28 years he’s been teaching and travelling on four continents as an in demand instructor and choreographer for Middle Eastern Dances.
Are you a long time dancer? Are you semi or profi dancer? Are you teaching? Are you a group leader?
If yes, then you have certainly once deal with one of the following difficulties, situations, relations in your dance career:
- loss of motivation
- burnout syndrome
- no vision for the future
- not enjoying teaching any more
- not reached ambitions, both in the past/future
- difficulties to find a balance between work/family/dancing
- not enough time to rehearse as I want/need to
- relation troubles in group/with lead dancer
- not enough time/money for workshops/projects, to travel
- feeling "I have to dance" instead of "I wanna dance"
- rehearsing only choreos
Do you have any other point to be discussed? Feel free to add it to our list. Any other remarks? Just send a PM here on Fcb or via e-mail. We will try to do our best to discuss all these topics.
Entry fee: FREE for participants of our Summer Dance School
130 CZK / 5 EUR for NON-PARTICIPATING in Summer Dance School
Registrations for NON-PARTICIPANTS in Summer Dance Camp: http://goo.gl/forms/P6zDKIYFhpf63ug83
or via e-mail:[email protected]