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| Sportovní centrum Nymburk | Finished
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Ondrej Novak
There are still some people who haven't registered for MACHOL Czechia yet?! Don't loose the opportunity to get early bird price till 22nd June! <***************> Ještě stále se najdou tací, kteří se nestihlli přihlásit na letošní MACHOL Čechia?! Nepropásněte slevu na kurzovném a přihlašte se do 22. 6.!
before 9 years
Poslala jsem přihlášku, ale nemám dosud žádnou odpověď.Díky moc.
before 9 years
Ahoj Lenko, já jsem se právě divil, že od tebe ještě přihlášku nemám... Asi se neuložila, buď tak hodná a vyplň jí ještě jednou. Obratem ti přihlášku potvrdím. Dík a těším se. O
before 9 years
Díky moc Ondřeji,taky se těším,mějte se krásně.L.
before 9 years
Ondrej Novak
What do you say to an idea every dancer should have possibility to dance her or his beloved dances? We agree and therefore we will give a lot of space to "dance wishes" at MACHOL Czechia this year. We will make sure to play all dance wishes every evening! Guaranteed! <***************> Každý by měl mít šanci zatancovat si všechny tance, které má rád - souhlasíte? My ano a proto jsme se rozhodli dát na letošním MACHOLu Čechia maximální prostor "tanečním přáním". Během večerního tancování přehrajeme všechna přání do jednoho :-)
before 9 years
What a good idea - really! At MEuropa my requests are never done! Here are 3 of my requests: Hen Yeronan (L. Bergstein), Be'er be-Sadeh (R. Sturman), Hey-yo-ya (M. Halevy).
before 9 years
Hi Matti, great choice! I do not know the first one actually, but other dances remind me of nice times... You have my promise we will play your wishes! If you take music with you to make sure we have it, there is nothing that could change the fact we will dance these dances together in a bit more than a month :-)
before 9 years
surely I'll be there with my labtop... :D
before 9 years
Your lab-top? :-)
before 9 years
before 9 years
Michael Nieman
I really sorry i won t be able to come this year I ll be in Israel. I ll really try and come next year all the best toeveryone
before 9 years
Dear Michael, it's a pity. But enjoy Israel and I will remember your promise to come next year :-)
before 9 years
Matti Goldschmidt
I would like to hear about the "unheard ideas", PLEASE..... I am so curious! (could it be an extra bone for Loui?)
before 10 years
Looks like Loui will have a new little friend - our Elmo! :)
before 10 years
Hi Matti, once said loudly unheard ideas would not be unheard anymore :-) So lets keep them for some time at least, before we will change them into great announcements :-)
before 10 years
maybe also my Amy :-)
before 10 years
jednou byl machol s dětmi teď bude se psi :D
before 10 years
se psy
before 9 years
Sportovní centrum Nymburk

22.7.2015 - 16:00 | 26.7.2015 - 15:00

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