Les Mills Release Party
| World Class Wenceslas Square | VergangeneWorld Class Wenceslas Square
Samstag 16.12.2017
10:30 - 13:30
Příjďte si zacvičit s vašemi oblíbenými instruktory les mills lekci.
Těšit se můžete na:
10:30 Body Pump 104
11:45 Grit Plyo 23
12:30 Body Balance 79
Rezervace možná online od 10:30 ve čtvrtek.
Join us for the new Les Mills Choreography releases with your favorite instructors!
You can look forward to:
10:30 Body Pump 104
11:45 Grit Plyo 23
12:30 Body Balance 79
Reservation will be possible online from Thursday at 10:30.