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Frisbeer Cup 2017

| TJ Sokol Královské Vinohrady | Vergangene
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Frisbeer Cup
Vor 7 years
Jason Urroz
Is there a 2017 Frisbeer beer? If so, I am ISO. I will be in Prague on the 24/25th. Would love to get one!
Vor 7 years
Magdalénka Řapková
Ahoj :) chci se zeptat, jestli je možnost přespat v tělocvičně nebo tak někde? :)
Vor 7 years
Ahoj. V tělocvičně to bohužel určitě nepůjde, takže jedině se s někym domluvit na místě nebo pak hostel, kde jsou hráči - ten je kousek od haly
Vor 7 years
Dobře, děkuju?
Vor 7 years
Tom Leitner
Hey guys, where's the Saturday battle going to happen?
Vor 7 years
The battle will take place in the gym in the end...we have secured great club but it is unfortunately possible to have the battle there...Finals on the Sunday...
Vor 7 years
Rollathan Krissbee
Does anyone want to take the same bus as me from Berlin to Prague and / or back? 02.03 Leaving ZOB at 13:00 06.03 Leaving Prague Main Railway Station at 14:40 19€ each way
Vor 7 years
Tom Leitner
anybody looking to share a frisbeer apartment?
Vor 7 years
Yes please, i arrive Wed night.
Vor 7 years
Vor 7 years
Ginger Sophie
I am looking for a clock preferring mixed partner :) private message me if your interested!
Vor 7 years
Oren Meron
So I am a bit late to ask but...pairs and co-op partners? For jammers that I haven't met yet I am a mid level clock player with experience of building routines. Came back to the sport after a long break, competed in FPAW 2007-2010. Contact me in a private message please. See you guys soon! :-)
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Wanna do pairs? We can talk about it when we are there!
Vor 8 years
Andre Zaharias
Hey everyone! Im a jammer from Munich, been playing for about a year :) Anyone looking to pair up, or anyone have space in the coop? I would like to at least take part in a run and have some fun, not expecting anything and dont really mind which category. See you there :)
Vor 8 years
I'll pair or co op with you.
Vor 8 years
Konrad Patris
prepare the golden liquid !!! landing on thursday!!!
Vor 8 years
Not golden liquid, Trump style I hope!
Vor 8 years
Bring some hazel! :)
Vor 8 years
Ah Fur Fuk Sake
Flights booked!
Vor 8 years
Thurs 2th - Mon 6th?
Vor 8 years
Wed to Tuesday!
Vor 8 years
Oren Meron
No going back now, flight booked :P
Vor 8 years
See you there!
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Kalina Ka
Wooohhaaaa now Polska has to come!
Vor 8 years
Booked my plane tix!
Vor 8 years
you are right, Kalina! :) We want all the polish jammers here in Prague!
Vor 8 years
Chorche Turan
Im hesitant now...Should I focus more on Parukarka or Kross...
Vor 8 years
First you need to come, then you can set your focus on anything you like :-P
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Dan Lustiger
At the moment I only know that the second semester starts on the 13th of March. I still have to receive the exams' schedule. If nothing appears in those times, or if I get good grades so I don't have to take them again, I'll probably arrive. will update when I have more info
Vor 8 years
Emmanuele Digitronik Faustini
Hi jammers!please check your email (jammers on the net/eurofreestyle and frisbee freestyle iralia) and replay to my email about the indoor/outdoor fpaw 2017 survey...some player has already replied :) you'll have 1 week from today . Thnx zanardi in the z1
Vor 8 years
Tom Leitner
great idea with the double category - hope other events follow your lead.... Frisbeer Forever!
Vor 8 years
The Pirates picnic have a few ideas. Walk the plank being one of them.
Vor 8 years
Frisbeer Cup 2017
TJ Sokol Královské Vinohrady

3.3.2017 - 9:00 | 5.3.2017 - 20:00

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TEILNEHMER (80 + 151)
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Dominik Raci Raclavský
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Olga Fišnerová
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Ginger Sophie
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Chris Fraktalorg
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Ron Kretschmann
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