Excelent Mystic Sk8 Cup 2016
| Štvanice skatepark | Finished
Čau Ahoj, byla by možnost spát přímo na Štvanici ve stanu? Nějak máme problém s ubytováním :-D
before 8 years
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Michaela Chá
mimo areál skateparku se určitě stan postavit dá ... otázkou je, jestli by vás nevyhodili policajti
before 8 years
Sali Mali
na parkingu se stanuje u auta vždycky.
before 8 years
Marcela Svobodová
parkovat se dá v místě?
before 8 years
Ahoj, jen se chci zeptat za kolik budou celodenni vstupy na jednotlive dny, na ofiko strankach mate totiz uplne jine ceny ;)
before 8 years
pátek 550 Kč / sobota 550 Kč / neděle 600 Kč / sobota + neděle 800 Kč / Chyba na webu byla u soboty, za to se omlouváme, již opraveno. :-)
before 8 years
Harmonogram zveřejníme cca týden před festivalem, ale koncerty začínají obvykle od 19:00.
before 8 years
Pro změnu plánů nabízím lístek na 1.července (vstup od 18:00 na The Subways) za původních 350,-.
before 8 years
Quem vem do Brasa?!! Meninos, vocês vão esse ano tambem??? :) (Sergio Andre Alex Lekinho Walney Veiga Leandro Franco Moska Domingos Guimarães)
before 8 years
Always planning to go and I would love to make it happen, are you gonna be there?!?!
before 8 years
Dobrý den, chápu správně, že celodenní vstupenka na Sobotu lze sehnat pouze na místě u vchodu? Děkuji
before 8 years
How much will be/are the tickets? Only for the contest or how much do you have to pay for the entry? I'm not able to change the language... Thanks for the info
before 8 years
Full pass / 3day tickets including skateboarding and concerts: 650 CZK (early bird tickets)
► Friday (1.7.2016):
live: The Subways (UK)
● Tickets - day pass
550 Kč - on doors
● Tickets - concerts + afterparty from 6pm
350 CZK - 100pcs / www.goout.cz
400 CZK - www.goout.cz
500 CZK - on doors
► Saturday (2.7.2016):
live: TBA
● Tickets - day pass
550 CZK - on doors
● Tickets - concerts + afterparty from 6pm
250 CZK - 100pcs / www.goout.cz
300 CZK - www.goout.cz
400 CZK - on doors
► Sunday (3.7.2016)
live: Vec, Midi, Hafner, Vladimir 518
● Tickets - day pass
600 CZK - on doors only
● Tickets - concerts + afterparty from 8pm
300 CZK - on doors only
before 8 years
Day pass / on doors = skateboarding + concerts (you don't need to buy extra tickets for a concert, its included).
before 8 years
Alex Sorgente Kickflip Indy
Mystic SK8 Cup 2015. Prague Czech Republic.
Alex will be back to defend his title at this year's Excelent Mystic Sk8 Cup 2016
Photo: Jovani Prochnov
before 8 years
Friday 1.7.2016 | 10:00
Open to the public
PARTICIPANTS (963 + 1042)