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Czech Republic v Scotland

| Letná Stadium - AC Sparta Praha a.s. FOTBAL | Vergangene
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David Wood
I watched County play Sparta Prague in the 70s
Vor 8 years
Enjoy and stay away from The Atlas bar.
Vor 8 years
Bramhall Tartan Army heading to the Vic for 1:45 before heading to airport at 2:45 if you fancy a beer.. ....
Vor 8 years
absolutely! lizzie and Gina are in the bubble now
Vor 8 years
Mid Calder Tartan Army
Not long now :D
Vor 8 years
Tomorrow for me
Vor 8 years
2 days for us
Vor 8 years
Buzzing waiting on Train into Glasgow ?⚽️??
Vor 8 years
I'll be there in Prague 10.30 wednesday
Vor 8 years
Buzzin like a secondhand fridge
Vor 8 years
Roll on tomorrow
Vor 8 years
Mid Calder Tartan Army
Who's all got their tickets through? 2 weeks today...
Vor 8 years
Got mine yesterday
Vor 8 years
Ayep, all 6 tickets came through yesterday
Vor 8 years
I always have to pick mine up
Vor 8 years
Yesterday ?
Vor 8 years
Got three :)
Vor 8 years
Got 17 out of 26 yesrerday. 9 pick ups in Prague. 3rd game in a row for some to pick up.
Vor 8 years
All ours are here
Vor 8 years
Want two tickets Sold out tickets :( :(
Vor 8 years
Do you want home end tickets? There will be lots of our guys in their end
Vor 8 years
Mid Calder Tartan Army
Who else is on the 740am flight from Edinburgh on the 24th? Have a feeling it's gonna be a party plane...
Vor 8 years
I'm on the 07:20 on the Tuesday
Vor 8 years
I am on the flight on the 24th ??
Vor 8 years
Mid Calder Tartan Army
Ted Christopher is playing at Dubliner Prague on 23rd + 24th March. Free entry - who's heading along?
Vor 8 years
Me and Davie Rennie for sure.
Vor 8 years
3 mate
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Me on the Wednesday night and me and 2 others on Thursday afternoon lol
Vor 8 years
Billy am I one of the 3
Vor 8 years
Aye john whats ur travel plans
Vor 8 years
Fly out Tues back Fri meet you in square on Wed night
Vor 8 years
Uv only 1 job so dont lose the flag john lol
Vor 8 years
Just getting a new flag made by flag man Ireland the now :) or maybe two
Vor 8 years
John where r u flyin from n what time mate on the 22nd
Vor 8 years
Graham Jardine they r top notch flags mate
Vor 8 years
That's a big boy man. I've already got a 5 X 8 and it's too big for my flag pole so getting a smaller one made. What's it like on the back ?
Vor 8 years
Yeh its ok on back thats a 12ft x 5ft with sewn in fire certificate mate
Vor 8 years
What is on the back? Is it the same as the front ? As I want a flag not a banner
Vor 8 years
Flying from Edinburgh bout 7.30 in the morning with easyjet
Vor 8 years
I'm looking at earlier flights too bud
Vor 8 years
They Irish pubs are just a rip off, they charge what they want when they want.
Vor 8 years
Where robert u talkin bt prague m8
Vor 8 years
Barbora Klímová
Hey guys, I am a Czech girl who loves Scotland and I am going to watch the game at the stadium (looking forward to seeing a piece of my beloved Scotland again! :) ). I found a mistake here in the description of the event - it is true that the match is going to take place in Letná stadium, but in Prague, the Capital! Not in Zlin (Zlin is a czech city in southeastern Moravia and there is also a stadium called Letná).I think you should correct it so that scottish fans won't go to Zlín! :)
Vor 8 years
and the match starts at 8:45 p.m. CET (it's 7:45 in Scotland)
Vor 8 years
Are you really going on that stadium called Letná? :o :-D
Vor 8 years
Thanks, that's it fixed ;)
Vor 8 years
There's about 2700 scots that want to buy you a drink Barbora Klímová lol enjoy
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Alistair Hodge
Any idea of weather at this time of the year there?
Vor 9 years
Fucking Baltic ?
Vor 9 years
Thought that ?
Vor 9 years
Aye according to this... fairly chilly. ha!
Vor 9 years
Do you know anything , ally .... Lol
Vor 9 years
Aye A tried to look the other day but could only find a forecast for the week haha
Vor 9 years
It's like Russia, freezing
Vor 9 years
It's always warm in a pub
Vor 9 years
It's definitely not like Russia and it's even not Baltic :D. At the end of March there are usually temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees of Celsius, but the temperature is lower in the evening/at night, usually from zero to five :).
Vor 8 years
Alan Marshall
C u there
Vor 9 years
Canny go friendlys
Vor 9 years
Kevin Macaskill
There at 1030 on the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, well kilted up and half canned..........
Vor 9 years
Colin Scott
I'm missing from this one I'm afraid, still reeling about SSC cancelling my membership, nonsense, enjoy anyhow and I'll be looking at other trips this year tho ?⚽️
Vor 9 years
That's pish mate, what happened? Catch you over the year :)
Vor 9 years
John Thomson
Cheers for invite Billy Hunter will defo be there well someone's got to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't bring fdta good name into disrepute
Vor 9 years
Who is lookin after u john oh that will b treasurer john lol
Vor 9 years
Whoever standing next to me will ask them just to keep propping me up and make sure I don't spill my beer treasurer John not going I flying solo lol
Vor 9 years
Great idea mate jo can look after us lol
Vor 9 years
Great suggestion love it
Vor 9 years
Alex Hood
Looks good Billy. Thanks for invite. I will give it a serious thought.
Vor 9 years
Jim Hunter
Thanks for including me in this Billy. Sadly, I will be unable to attend as I am going to Tenerife on the Saturday, with my good lady and the other Billy Hunter and his missus, as a result we will be watching the Denmark game in a bar, and I have used up my few spare days to go to Malta and Englandshire. I am also taking the good lady on a wee jolly to Spain in July. I just canny do them all. ( A lottery win would be handy) If the France game in Metz is a definite, I will manage that as it seems to be on a Saturday. Thanks again.
Vor 9 years
All the best jim
Vor 9 years
Vor 9 years
Thanks for including me Billy but sorry a can't make this one totally gutted was in Prague 96-97 think it was great place love to go back as well
Vor 9 years
Ross Sinclair
5 of us!!! Billy, Andrew, David and Lochhead
Vor 9 years
Czech Republic v Scotland
Letná Stadium - AC Sparta Praha a.s. FOTBAL

Donnerstag 24.3.2016 | 20:45

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