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Bellydance & Yoga Retreat with Amar Gamal in Mallorca

| Mallorca, Cala Santanyi | Uplynulá
Mallorca, Cala Santanyi
9.7.2015 - 10:00
12.7.2015 - 18:00


Immerse yourself in an intensive yoga and dance retreat in the mediterranean island of Mallorca with the amazing Amar Gamal. .

Raqs al Nur presents you a unique opportunity to boost your dance technique and enjoy the island this summer :

---- From July 9th to 12nd 2015---

Daily schedule will include:
- 1 hour of Yoga
- 4 hours with Amar Gamal

During the Retreatment will practice different topics:

- Essentials of the Dance
Amar will teach some combinations concentrated in technique,quality of movement and transitions. Transforming your dance in a solid and powerful quality.

- Shimmy Galore
Isolations & layering with many types of shimmies and vibrations.

- Drum Solo Choreography
We will learn a energetic and funny drum solo choreography focusing in the technique and quality of movement with dinamic sequences

- Ballet Essentials
Learn how to integrate Classical Dance to your Bellydance

- Fussion no Confussion
Learn how to "fussion" softy Bellydance with other styles

- Bellydance Amar Gamal Style Bellydance Choreography Anna

-Everything is in the Attitude
How add “Sabor” to your dance

-The Art of Veil:Technique & Combinations
Learn travelling and veil techniques to give a dynamic and sensual touch to your dance style

All the activites of the retreat will take place in Hotel Pinos Playa in Cala Santanyí, in the southeast of Mallorca, a wonderful part of the island immersed in a protected natural area.

To know all the details about accommodation, registration & fees please go to our website:


For further information and reservation contact us through

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Raqs Al Nur

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