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Bago v pátek 20.10.

| TRAINING | Sokolovna Vysoké Mýto | Finished
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before 7 years Milan Urbánek is not going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
Radek Sobotka
Fotbal zrušen pro neúčast.
before 7 years
before 7 years Ivan Pavel may attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Jaroslav Sekanina is not going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Miroslav Doskočil is not going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Adam Vojáček is going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10. (set by event creator)
before 7 years Milan Urbánek may attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Milan Urbánek is going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Jakub Valčík is not going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Pavel Bureš is not going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Jaroslav Truhlář is not going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Vladimír Zeman is going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Jiří Fišer is not going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
before 7 years Petr Jeništa is going to attend Bago v pátek 20.10.
Sokol movement Sokolíci mladší muži VM organizes Bago v pátek 20.10.
Fri 20.10. 20:00 - 21:30 2017 | futsal | training | Sokolovna Vysoké Mýto
before 7 years
Bago v pátek 20.10.
nám. Tyršovo, Vysoké Mýto

Friday 20.10.2017 | 20:00 - 21:30

Open to the public
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