Alicia & Baru Ziggy B-Day Bash + Afro-Dancehall Sunday Afterpart
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Alicia & Baru Ziggy B-Day Bash
Tak je tomu rok co se nám narodila princezna a my se stali těmi nejšťastnějšími ,a proto jsme se rozhodli oslavit to s Vámi ..Tímto Vás zveme na oslavu narozenin mých a mé holčičky ...Bude tam spoustu jídla ,pití a zábavy ..Tak určo doražte
Its alredy one year when our princess came to dis world and we became the happiest people on Earth,, thats why we decided to celebrate this special day with you all we specially inviting y'all to Baru & Alicia Ziggy's birthday party on the 3rd of August..Entry is totally fREE & Lot of food ,drinks n fun awaits y'all...So please make sure you are part of the History!!! —
Afro-Dancehall Sunday Afterparty follows up Immediately with
DJ Teddy Ziggy
DJ Major P.
afrobeats - dancehall - urban