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4. kolo APF - Moe´s "A" vs. Czech Made "C"

| MATCH | Sportovní areál Slavia VŠ Plzeň | Finished
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Vlada Sirotek
co golman Tome? Straki podle me naposled nemuze, takze by to chtelo jeste jednou sahnout mezi zpevaky.... jak jsou na tom?
before 10 years
Ani jeden nemůže, odchytá to holt někdo z nás (asi já).
before 10 years
nebo tundra
before 10 years
Mirek Hajný
Adam Havel taky jde
before 10 years
kdyz nas bude malo, muzu taky prijit
before 10 years
Přijď, je nás zatím 7 bez tebe a o moc lepší to asi už nebude. Budu s tebou tedy počítat...
before 10 years
Mirek Hajný
Co ostatní? Dejte vědět, prosím.
before 10 years
Mirek Hajný
Karel Kepka jde
before 10 years
before 10 years Ladislav Hellmayer is not going to attend 4. kolo APF - Moe´s "A" vs. Czech Made "C"
Mirek Hajný
Pojďme všichni, musíme urvat další tři body!!!
before 10 years
Budu tam :-)
before 10 years
before 10 years
Nezapomeň registračku:-)
before 10 years
nezapomenu :-)
before 10 years
before 10 years Pavel Bláha is not going to attend 4. kolo APF - Moe´s "A" vs. Czech Made "C"
before 10 years Roman Sterly is going to attend 4. kolo APF - Moe´s "A" vs. Czech Made "C"
before 10 years Toom Moa is not going to attend 4. kolo APF - Moe´s "A" vs. Czech Made "C"
before 10 years Karel Kepka is going to attend 4. kolo APF - Moe´s "A" vs. Czech Made "C"
before 10 years 4. kolo APF - Moe´s "A" vs. Czech Made "C" was linked to Facebook
Group Moe´s organizes 4. kolo APF - Moe´s "A" vs. Czech Made "C"
Sat 27.9. 13:00 - 14:00 2014 | futsal | match | Sportovní areál Slavia VŠ Plzeň
before 10 years

Saturday 27.9.2014 | 13:00 - 14:00

Open to the public
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Ondřej Havel
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Vlada Sirotek
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