3rd Karate Lions Cup - 2015
| Sportovní Hala Dašická Pardubice | Finished
TEVO s.r.o. je partnerem Karate Lions Cup 2015. I ty můžeš podpořit mezinárodní turnaj karate ([email protected]). ;)
TEVO s.r.o. is a partner Karate Lions Cup 2015. Even you can support international Karate tournament ([email protected]). ;)
before 9 years
Fernando Leony can't GO
before 9 years
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Irei estar representando todos vocês, grande abraço, oss!!!!
before 9 years
ŠK CMK Banská Bystrica, SSK karate Karviná, Kobra Kladno, Shotokan Karate-dó TJ Sadská se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
ŠK CMK Banská Bystrica, SSK karate Karviná, Kobra Kladno, Shotokan Karate-dó TJ Sadská will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
KARATE CLUB DE CONDE SUR ESCAUT a Karaté France Rouen z Francie se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
KARATE CLUB DE CONDE SUR ESCAUT a Karaté France Rouen from France will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Kdo bude nejlepší závodník a nejlepší klub na Karate Lions Cup 2015?
Who will by the best competitor and the best club on Karate Lions Cup 2015?
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before 9 years
Ohh... Chtel bych být :p :D :3
before 9 years
Karate Klub Lichnice, Karate Klub Klatovy a Karate Club Pardubice se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Karate Klub Lichnice, Karate Klub Klatovy a Karate Club Pardubice will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Team z Alžírska se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Algeria karate team will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Team z Portugalska se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Portugal karate team will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Team z Kataru se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Qatar karate team will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Karate team USF z Francie se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Karate team from France will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Francie se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
France will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Team USF from France will participate ???
before 9 years
Karate klub KASR Žamberk se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Karate klub KASR Žamberk will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Karate klub UNION Košice se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Karate klub UNION Košice will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
Registrace / registration:
before 9 years
JKA Karate Lipník nad Bečvou se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
JKA Karate Lipník nad Bečvou will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
Registrace / registration:
before 9 years
Jazykovka Chmelíková je partnerem Karate Lions Cup 2015. I ty můžeš podpořit mezinárodní turnaj karate ([email protected]). ;)
Language school Chmelíková is a partner of Karate Lions Cup 2015. Even you can support international Karate tournament ([email protected]). ;)
before 9 years
before 9 years
Klub Kamikaze Mladá Boleslav se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Club Kamikaze Mladá Boleslav will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
Registrace / registration:
before 9 years
MateS Sportovni Klub se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
MateS Sportovni Klub will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
Registrace / registration:
before 9 years
Champions Karate Team se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Champions Karate Team will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
14 dětí?
before 9 years
Kesl Ryu Shotokan se zúčastní Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
Kesl Ryu Shotokan will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Indie si vyřizuje víza pro turnaj Karate Lions Cup 2015... Budeš tam taky?
India started Visa process for Karate Lions Cup 2015... Will you be there?
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before 9 years
Gruzie se zúčastní turnaje Karate Lions Cup 2015....
Georgia will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015...
Registrace / registration:
before 9 years
Pro dětské kategorie jsou připraveny pěkné ceny od drevousek.cz - svět dřevěných hraček....
For children's categories are prepared nice prizes from drevousek.cz - the world of wooden toys...
before 9 years
Brazílie se zúčastní turnaje Karate Lions Cup 2015....
Brazil will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015...
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before 9 years
Don't have male CADETE?
before 9 years
We have male cadets categories ;) https://www.sportdata.org/karate/set-online/veranstaltung_info_main.php?active_menu=calendar&ver_info_action=catlist&vernr=2184&count_cat=50#a_eventheadend
before 9 years
Thanks for your retorn
before 9 years
2015 Türkiye
Kamil Üci
before 9 years
U R welcome on Karate Lions Cup 2015 ;-)
before 9 years
we are going to open also Masters categories...
before 9 years
teşekkür ederim oss
before 9 years
Pakistan se zúčastní turnaje Karate Lions Cup 2015....
Pakistan will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015...
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before 9 years
Ghana se zúčastní turnaje Karate Lions Cup 2015....
Ghana will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015...
Registrace / registration:
before 9 years
Slovensko se zúčastní turnaje Karate Lions Cup 2015....
Slovakia will participate on Karate Lions Cup 2015...
Registrace / registration:
before 9 years
New Sport Hall (after complete reconstruction)
Nová sportovní hala (po kompletní rekonstrukci)
Sportovní Hala Dašická Pardubice
before 9 years
Saturday 12.12.2015 | 8:00 - 18:00
Open to the public