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3rd International Prague Zouk Marathon 2016

| Prague Zouk Marathon | Vergangene
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Olga Stankova
Nechce nekdo koupit ode me full pass na Zouk Marathon? Zacina zitra pre-party. Me do toho neco vlezlo a moc si ho neuziji. Piste do PM, pls!
Vor 8 years
Oli, bohužel není možné přeprodat pass komukoliv, je nepřenositelný. Veškeré info bylo v registračním emailu v podmínkách. Navíc den před akcí už jsou odevzdaná jména a všechny podklady restauraci, je mi líto, nelze, díky za pochopení
Vor 8 years
Skoda pro zouk chtive tanecnice, na ktere se nedostalo... Myslela jsem, ze nekomu udelam velkou radost...
Vor 8 years
Mě bohužel jen starosti den před začátkem, proto jsem psal veškeré info všude předem a zvýraznil ve všech možných registračních i potvrzovacích mailech. Mrzí mě to, nezlob se
Vor 8 years
V pohode!
Vor 8 years
Susie Qu
Where will the dinner on friday be. I arrive at 21:00 aprox- will i be able to register for the event at the hotel or venue?
Vor 8 years
registration @ venue ... dinner @ venue from 20:00 till 22:00 .... you will find more info in email sent last week
Vor 8 years
Zdeněk Jahoda Brož
☆★☆ ... !!! ... IMPORTANT ... !!! ... ☆★☆ DUE to bad weather conditions: well it will probably be no raining but will be very cold around 6-8 dgs only and I do not want you to get sick especially at the beginning of marathon, so the preparty venue is changing to : TV TOWER : Žižkovská televizní věž - Tower Park Prague : 20:00 - 00:00 PLEASE inform your friends
Vor 8 years
Zdeněk Jahoda Brož
Dear Prague marathon zoukeiros, Would you be so kind and do a favor for me ? The owner of the venue where we'll dance is a big collector of postcards :-) Would you please bring a postcard from your city ? Thank you sooooo much <3 See you soon ;-)
Vor 8 years
František Černý
Hello everyone. Is there someone interested in buying new shoes? During one of my order I received one smaller size of Bloch Twist dance sneakers. They are new, never used. I can bring them to maraton to try if it fits to you. Size: 44 (Bloch 10) Price: 56 EUR (1 480 Kč)
Vor 8 years
To je stejná velikost, co jsem už zkoušel? Pokud mi budou, vzal bych si je, jedny mám, ale neumím zjistit velikost :/
Vor 8 years
Miguel Quiroga Boveda
Everything prepared for this weekend! See you soon in Prague Zouk Marathon!!! Dj Baloo
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Yessssssss :-)
Vor 8 years
Looking forward my friend! ;-)
Vor 8 years
Dj doctor!
Vor 8 years
Hola miguel quetal?
Vor 8 years
Weronika Skibska
Hi there! :) Sorry guys, I have an information only for the ladies... A lot of girls ask me about the shoes I wear during the workshops and the parties, as they are really pretty and sooo comfortable. I thought I could bring some pairs to the marathon for you to try them on and buy if you like them. I will bring few different models with me, slightly varying in shape. Regarding colors, I'll have 'tan', 'pink' and black. Prices are starting from 25 euro. Anyone interested? Just PM me so I could bring your size. :)
Vor 8 years
Awwww, first like :3
Vor 8 years
Yeah, but I heard that these are really comfortable ^^
Vor 8 years
A na zajęcia w środę by się dało? :)
Vor 8 years
Poznan Bootcamp Academy
Poznan Poland will be in the house :-) we cant wait!! see you all on the dance floor...
Vor 8 years
Maria Terpstra
Does anyone know if there will be a dresscode?
Vor 8 years
No dress codes :-)
Vor 8 years
Yon Mok
Is there anyone still looking for a roommate from Wednessday till Tuesday or any days in between? I might have something only 10 min away from the Marathon.
Vor 8 years
Marianna Frei
Vor 8 years
private message
Vor 8 years
Teodora Pavlova
I need a place just for Wednesday and Monday night, for the pre-party and after-after party. Is anybody still looking for a room mate or have a spare place? Thanks
Vor 8 years
Shravan Sunder
Vor 8 years
Nikol Sabatova
Vor 8 years
Now I need a place just for Wednesday. And I arrive early in the morning... Thank you, Zdenek!
Vor 8 years
Nikol Sabatova
Hi zouk family, I can offer 1 place (or 2 for space-saving people) for whole stay in Prague in my flat (2 tram stations from zouk marathon) for a small fee :) Its a spacy cosy flat with wooden interior. For allergics: I have 2 cats. Girls prefered :P Please private message
Vor 8 years
Shravan Sunder
Is anyone looking for a roomate for monday night? Or looking for a place to stay? Please message me =) One of the options I was looking at is getting a room near the After-AfterParty location Žižkov Television Tower for just monday night
Vor 8 years
Teodora Pavlova
Vor 8 years
Maja Grabowiecka
Zdenek where we have to go to register and receive the pass? It will be in the party venue?
Vor 8 years
Party venue
Vor 8 years
Patrick Tai Tin Woei
Is there anyone how is landing around 0815 in the morning. And wants to share a taxi to the piramide hotel?
Vor 8 years
Marianna Frei
Is somebody still looking for a room mate for the weekend? I would need a place! Please PM! :)
Vor 8 years
Shravan Sunder
Vor 8 years
Patrycja Jakimczyk
Vor 8 years
I'm just looking for a place for Monday if you're staying for the after after party. =)
Vor 8 years
Yeah, I just saw it. Thanks! But I will just need a place for the weekend :)
Vor 8 years
check your messages
Vor 8 years
Zdeněk Jahoda Brož
7 days to GOOOOooooo :-) My dear zouk friends ... this year I really really can't wait and even sleep to see you soon :-) I will do my best to meet you all in person during the registration ;-) I received messages from you regarding accommodation, transfer etc. Do not worry, like last year I will send all the details via an email. You can expect it during this weekend. If you don't get it, please always check the spambox / junk mails. It comes from the official email address [email protected] C u soooooooooon my zouk family <3
Vor 8 years
See you really soon my friend! I can't wait too to be there!
Vor 8 years
Counting the day's my dear brother Zdeněk Jahoda Brož ?
Vor 8 years
Aaaaaaa!!!! Can't wait!!!!! Am looking sooooooo much forward to meet you all???
Vor 8 years
Wohooooooo!!! And countdown ????✨??
Vor 8 years
Noooo, omg I need to finish my remix first !!!! :-D :-D
Vor 8 years
Omg ... just 7 days, i need to prepare the event lol ???
Vor 8 years
... and rest so I can dance 5 days without sleep ?
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
This reminds me of the movie The Ring. Lollll... to paraphrase the famous quote: "You will DANCE in 7 days!"
Vor 8 years
Zdeněk Jahoda Brož
☆★☆ ... Social dancing videos ... ☆★☆ In cooperation with POLAIR PROductions we offer you professional video services and filming of your dance for a special promo price 20€ / couple. Our good friend Robbert will be available for you at certain hours. Ask for more at registration and book him in advance before it's too late.
Vor 8 years
Zdeněk Jahoda Brož
☆★☆ ... IMPORTANT info for all zouk marathoners ... ☆★☆ I just sent an email "Before you come to Prague" to all of you coming next week. Please check yor mailbox for more details regarding time schedule, program, transfer, accommodation, contacts, addresses etc. See you very soooooooon :-)
Vor 8 years
Phoebe Coleman
Hi everyone, I have left things to the last minute and still need to find accommodation - it is suddenly so close and I didn't realise! I am coming from Thursday to Tuesday. Any part of this time would be great to share with someone though. Please get in touch! Phoebe x Zdeněk Jahoda Brož maybe you can help?
Vor 8 years
Ruth Leysner
Vor 8 years
Hi Phoebe, I sent you a personal message;)
Vor 8 years
Małgorzata Trojanowska
Czy ktoś bedzie jechal przez Lodz i ma miejsca w samochodzie?
Vor 8 years
Mozemy tez gdzies dojechać :-)
Vor 8 years
Hej Gosia, I have one space in the car driving on Thursday from Warsaw to Prague then Prague to Warsaw on Tuesday, we could probably arrange to pick you up in Lodz if you would like to join?
Vor 8 years
Dear Sinclair I am very grateful for the offer , but we're going in 3 ..
Vor 8 years
Not a problem, emmm, yes 3 people could be a problem unless two of you would like to travel on the roof :D:D
Vor 8 years
Hope you manage to track down some nice transport, I am sure you know this site but just in case
Vor 8 years
I know;) thank you :-)
Vor 8 years
Maybe somebody has 2 spaces for my friends;)
Vor 8 years
Lets see, hope it works :)
Vor 8 years
Michael Demski
Hi there! Is anybody interested in a LEAD PASS for Prague zouk marathon. Please let me know, am selling mine. Cannot be from NL, CZ, DL, PL, UK (even though I love those places/people). Discounted price
Vor 8 years
Rafał Rosiak - miejsce dla faceta sie zwolnilo. Może uda Ci się wynegocjować z organizatorem ze jednak pozwoli na PL :)
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Is the pass still available?
Vor 8 years
Chrissi Windeler
Hey guys, if anybody needs a ride from Prague to Bremen on Monday 2nd of May, let me know. I will stop in Dresden, Leipzig, and Hannover :-)
Vor 8 years
Zdeněk Jahoda Brož
Vor 8 years
Zdeněk Jahoda Brož
☆★☆ ... Prague Zouk Marathon ... 1 spot for leader / man ☆★☆ We have 1 free spot for u leader / man. If you are interested, please register @ Because of full quota we cannot accept registrations from NL, PL, CZ, DE, UK. Thank you for understanding
Vor 8 years
Matte Le
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Ondřej Isidar Král
Will there be some tango follower that will go into some tango zouk mashup dance with me? :)
Vor 8 years
Stephen Hawkings ;-)
Vor 8 years
Yes, even though my level in tango is not high! I haven't danced tango much lately, but I still remember a few things.
Vor 8 years
Me :)
Vor 8 years
Awesome :-)
Vor 8 years
claro ;)
Vor 8 years
Christiane Windeler
We have one spare bed in our apartment. :-) from thursday to Monday, please contact me asap
Vor 8 years
Hi Christiane, do you still have it?
Vor 8 years
Hey sweety. Happy belated birthday ????? unfortunately the bed is not available anymore. Big hug
Vor 8 years
Willemijn Passtoors
Hi there. I have 1 or 2 beds left in the apartment I'm renting superclose to the venue. Let me know if you still need a place to stay. Friday - Sunday
Vor 8 years
Dennis Hoskens Just Zouk interesting for you?
Vor 8 years
Aaaaah can't wait to see you darling!! ?
Vor 8 years
Laura Wolfram
Hey, is someone still looking for an accommodation for prague zouk marathon or does somebody need a flight from Cologne to Prague? Because of my exams at university i am not able to join the festival and i already booked everything!
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
I am sorry as well :/ ... hope you can make it next year. Have a good luck for exams ;-)
Vor 8 years
Hello, may I ask for location, price and for how many nights you have it booked? :-)
Vor 8 years
Laura Wolfram - Martin Chrobák is interested in the accommodation
Vor 8 years
Tiia Hietala
Flights and accommodation booked, can't wait to see you and dance with you all!! ?
Vor 8 years
Vor 8 years
Can't wait to see you too ?
Vor 8 years

27.4.2016 - 18:00 | 2.5.2016 - 23:55

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TEILNEHMER (301 + 323)
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Zdeněk Jahoda Brož
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Suraya Angelfaceddevil
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Rod Lopes
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Joao Henrique Santos
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