14. kolo APF | Chelsea - FC Zmar
| MATCH | Sportovní areál Slavia VŠ Plzeň | Finished
before 8 years
Karel Kepka is going to attend 14. kolo APF | Chelsea - FC Zmar (set by event creator)
before 8 years
Jindřich Havlík is going to attend 14. kolo APF | Chelsea - FC Zmar (set by event creator)
before 8 years
Toom Moa is not going to attend 14. kolo APF | Chelsea - FC Zmar (set by event creator)
before 8 years
kleckav is not going to attend 14. kolo APF | Chelsea - FC Zmar (set by event creator)
before 8 years
Pavel Petričko is not going to attend 14. kolo APF | Chelsea - FC Zmar (set by event creator)
before 8 years
Michal Randa is going to attend 14. kolo APF | Chelsea - FC Zmar (set by event creator)
before 8 years
Martin Mitas is going to attend 14. kolo APF | Chelsea - FC Zmar (set by event creator)
3 ano a 3 možná? Kdo teda ještě přijde?:-)
before 8 years
Asi to nevyjde:-) hrajem s Baníkem
before 8 years
Sat 30.4. 17:00 - 18:00 2016 | futsal | match | Sportovní areál Slavia VŠ Plzeň
before 8 years
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Saturday 30.4.2016 | 17:00 - 18:00