Willie Sempa - AFRO HOUSE // HIP HOP // 18.4.2015 @ Stage Praha
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Willie Sempa // Workshop
18.dubna ve Stage přivítáme franocouzsko-německou urban tanečnici Willie Sempa!
90´ Afro House - houseová routine a choreo s nádechem afro + floor moves (tanec na zemi).
90´ Hip Hop - prvky, flow, choreo.
1 workshop (lekce 90´) 350 Kč
Registrace na: recepce@stagepraha.cz
Wilhelmina Sempa - Willie je mezinárodně známá choreografka, tanečnice a porotkyně, která má výraznou pozici v urban taneční scéně.
Willie choreografovala mnohé shows ve Francii a Německu, zúčastnila se těch nejznámejších európských battlů jako Juste Debout atd. Její porotcovské slovo má velkou váhu, protože je uznávaná díky svému původu a vzdělání. Při svém performance je jejím hlavním cílem inspirovat lidi a sdílet lásku k tanci.
Willie Sempa // Workshop
We are pleased to welcome here in Stage Praha french-german urban dancer Willie Sempa!
Save the date - Saturday 18th of April
90´ Afro House - House dance choreography and routine with an afro spirit and style + floor moves.
90´ Hip Hop - Exercises, flow, choreography.
1 workshop (90´ class ) 350 Kč
Registrations: recepce@stagepraha.cz
Wilhelmina Sempa, as called Willie, is an internationally renowned choreographer, dancer and teacher who earned her place in the urban dance scene.
She is really active, choreographed a lot of shows in France and Germany, took part in a lot of European's battles like Juste Debout World Championship Paris, also participated to Tv shows.
She has many influences: Hip Hop, Top Rock, Dancehall, Afro, Contemporary …
When she performs, her first goal is to inspire people, touch the audience and share her love for dancing.
Since then, Willie has traveled extensively to perform on stage, judge battles and competitions, teach at dance camps and workshops.
People trust her judgment and decisions because of her urban background and knowledge.
That’s why she is booked a lot and went to a lot of countries: The Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Spain, Poland, The UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Japan and so on…
She was recently on the judges during the United Dance Organisation (Udo) tour in Germany, and was also judging at the world championship in August in Scotland.