Fotbal proti rasismu 2016
| Hospoda U Tadeáše | UplynuláPopis
Footbal match:
Team (5+1 player) registration closes on saturday at 10:30. After 10:30 the match starts by team play phase, when all teams play against all others, followed by playoff. The game will happen on natural grass field (sheep grazing field), while hockey goals will be used. Football is especially fun for us, thats why we dont use any referees, and we gladly reward best costume dressed team.
On saturday during and after the match, there will be series of lectures, workshops, theatre and music. We invite bands that support DIY ethics, are antifascist and so on…
For those who arrive on friday, there will be friday eve gig waiting.
During whole weekend there will be plenty of vegan food and snacks, beer and alcohol free drinks. Those ones wanting to sleep in tents, there will be nearby grass field prepared.