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Ashtanga yoga weekend with Santina Giardina

| Studio Sedmé nebe | Uplynulá
Studio Sedmé nebe
21.6.2018 - 6:30
24.6.2018 - 17:00


Santina Giardina-Chard bude proprvé v Praze/ is coming to Prague for the first time.

Můžete si s ní užít lekce Ashtagy formou Mysore a workshopy od pátku do neděle/ She will be teaching Mysore classes from Thursday 21.6. till 24.6. and long weekend workshops :)

22.6. Pátek/ Friday:
17:30 – 20:00 Pelvic Power – Pánevní dno a jak s ním pracovat/ The potential of the Pelvic Floor
23.6.Sobota/ Saturday :
10:30 – 13:30 Porozumění konceptu prány a apány v praxi dynamické jógy/ Understanding the patterns of Apana and Prana in the Ashtanga Yoga Method
24.6. Neděle/ Sunday:
9:30 – 12:00 Uvolněný a silná illiopsoas a vnímání středu těla/ Juicy Psoas & Conscious Core - awareness and yoga alignment workshop
13:30 – 16:00 Důležité pozice v ashtanga józe, jak je prohloubit a pracovat s nimi/ Gateway Postures - traditional and functional gateway postures into the Primary Series.


Jen lekce Mysore (4 rána) = 2340 Kč

Jedna jekce Mysore = 650 Kč

Jeden workshop = 1300 Kč

Všechny workshopy (Pátek, Sotoba, oba nedělní ) = 4940 Kč

Celý program = 6500 Kč


Mysore Only (4 mornings) = 90 EUR
Drop in Class (per session) = 25 EUR
Single Workshop only = 50 EUR
Workshops Only (4 sessions - Friday, Saturday and two on Sunday) = 190 EUR
Whole Program (4 Mysore and 4 workshops) = 250 EUR.

Info a přihlášky/ informations and registration: [email protected]

Santina’s journey from suffering to awareness and understanding through yoga has led her to a rich and real study of yoga as a living practice. San’s practice embodies the Ashtanga Yoga system, and she has diligently completed the Primary, 2nd and 3rd series of this method under the guidance of Mark Togni. Santina first travelled to Mysore, South India in 2014 and commenced tutelage under R. Sharath Jois, grandson of the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and current Director of KPJAYI, the birthplace of Ashtanga Yoga. In 2016, Santina was granted Level 2 Authorisation to teach Ashtanga Yoga, by her teacher R. Sharath Jois. Santina is also a certified Master Teacher in the Nicky Knoff Yoga System.

As Santina’s teacher, R. Sharath Jois, says “Yoga is a spiritual practice;” so through devotion, determination and tender endurance with each asana of her advanced Ashtanga yoga practice, San has developed an intimacy with the physiology and spirituality of our human form. San’s commitment to a life of process, practice and courage cultivates rich soil from which to provide meaningful guidance as an Ashtanga yoga teacher. Santina augments her yoga teaching with her work as a therapist, holding a Masters of Gestalt Therapy — A humanistic therapy focusing on sharpening an individual’s awareness of emotions and behaviours in their experience of themselves in the present moment, to reveal what really “is”.

Friday: 17:30 – 20:00 Pelvic Power – The potential of the Pelvic Floor
Core strength – is more than just a set of abdominal exercises. It is about developing dynamic
flexibility in the pelvic floor muscles.
This workshop provides the brain with the feedback it needs to create improved ease of
movement, flexibility and strength. In this workshop we discover how specific movements of the
pelvis make abdominal and pelvic stability a whole new training field. Discover this new approach
to pelvic dynamics and open the door to the wonderful world of imagination.
I give a detailed workshop (with handouts) on how the pelvic floor muscles are exercised to create
more dynamic flexibility, which affects not only hip flexibility, but the entire spine. I use
movement, visualisation, asana and touch to develop an visceral understanding on how these
muscles affect your entire body.
Learning to harness core strength will unlock new potential for deep and lasting physical
transformation. Core strength is achieved through the detailed and subtle practice of applying
muscle locks or ‘bandhas’, which we’ll demystify, discuss, and practice throughout the afternoon.
This workshop will be a fun combination of demonstration and practical experience aimed at
boosting your strength and confidence and leaving you with a deeper understanding of your body
and its potential for growth. Learn to nurture powerful stomach, back, and leg strength with correct
alignment and feel your physical limitations begin to dissolve.
Once the core is stable and strong, your practice will take a quantum leap into new territory!
This the key to jump backs/throughs, arm balances - AND FLIGHT!!
Saturday : 10:30 – 13:30 Understanding the patterns of Apana and Prana in the Ashtanga Yoga Method
Learn the internal patterns which open the central core of your body, and go deep. Use breath,
queues and a steady pace to move through surya A and B, standing forward folds and supine and
seated poses. As your breath flows, rolls and curls like waves, yoga postures relate to each other.
Feel how this brings a remarkable sense of relief and clarity in your mind and body.
Exercises for the Apana pattern. Apana is the pa

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