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Ken Stabler


před 2 roky Ken Stabler si aktualizoval svůj popis
Ken Stabler
PrimeArray DVD / CD Ripping Backing up your optical media has never been easier than today, the PrimeArray Maxtet 3.0 USB / CD/ DVD ripping system will help you to do that very easily. It has no limits on the number of pieces of media you can back up or the size of the media, which makes it the most extensive option out there for a professional media loader device. Have a pile of DVDs (optical media) that you want to be stored on your computer / Server/ NAS storage/cloud server. They may be training videos or important business documents, or corporate documents. If you want to rip/extract your DVDs (optical media) back to file and folder state without having the need for the disc. Then the PrimeArray Maxtet is the product for you. Today there are many terms floating around describing an intelligent product that has the capabilities to automatically extract inserted media, return the media to file and folder state, index the media, place all contents from the media into one folder and give you tons of options you have special requirements. Common terms could be DVD Ripper, DVD server, media server, Media loader, Any of these terms could do but perhaps we should just be calling it the Maxtet because PrimeArray has a making a product for over 20 years that does exactly this A DVD ripper or these terms relate to - a computer device that converts DVD, Blu-Ray, CD media back into a file and folder format/state. This type of intelligent device can transform a massive collection of optical media and create a nice neat digital library. PrimeArray Maxtet / Ripper supports almost all disc formats. If your workstation can currently read the media you’ll be good to go. PrimeArray system also manufactures network-attached storage devices that have the capability of extracting media upon ingestion and sharing to your network on the fly. These types of devices have been used for decades across many, libraries, school systems, college institutions, Fortune 500 companies, medical facilities and government agencies. Some of the most critical data we rely on have originated from disc to storage with the help of a PrimeArray device. If you are in search of a professional product with the capabilities to automatically image optical (DVD media with extreme capabilities including imaging up to (12) pieces of media simultaneously we have the product for you!
před 2 roky
Ken Stabler založil skupinu PrimeArray DVD / CD Ripping
před 2 roky
před 2 roky Ken Stabler se zaregistroval na SportCentral
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