Power jóga pro pokročilé
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Rocket Power Yoga Athletic Training Series (level 3, intermediate/advanced)
Power Yoga, the new school-Method Yoga is cross training system created for advanced yoga practice by high performance trainer Reed Taylor. Method Yoga was created to offer a more current and complete perspective on yoga, fitness and self development. Method Yoga is aligned with many of the major modern athletic training principles as well as many of the principles that are the foundation of this current era, the Integral era, to help one grow and achieve in a structured, focused way.
Power Yoga the new school-Method Yoga is a result of doing decades of intense training and research, and leading dozens of teacher trainings in the US and abroad. I share with you what I believe is the most transformative yoga/fitness development training system available. It is designed for advanced performance, not just in yoga but in life. It is a highly organized training system that will help you discover, recover or uncover the qualities that lead to an increase in ability and life experience and a decrease in fearfulness. Attributes, when challenged and trained intelligently help one grow and become a more developed human being and bring out qualities that inspire one to develop in a dynamic way.
Method Yoga training has training levels (4) and progressions within each level (3) for rapid and safe development -
Foundations/Foundations Elevator-15-25 min, for the out of shape, low impact training
Basic- Level 2, 25-40 min moderate intensity classes.
Athletic-Level 3, 45-65 min intermediate/high intensity classes for in shape athletes
Professional Level 4, 70 plus min super high intensity training for industry professionals
"Levels" in this context don't suggest a judgment. Because all things are not created equal, one must make consequential distinctions for organizational purposes. This discernment allows us to avoid assuming that all things are equal. Distinctions, order, value, and ranking must be made and developmental phases drawn. Foundations training isn't better than Professional, but Foundations skills and attributes must be acquired before advancement. Method Yoga "levels" are based on a need for organization of content based on adversity, ability and complexity. Levels represent actual milestones in the developmental process with the goal of integrating the specific capacities, skills and traits of that level.
Method Yoga training can be understood as "progressive" rather than repetitive like conventional yoga training offerings. Progressive, meaning that the content (number of exercises or postures), and intensity (the amount of exertion, effort and energy needed) grow progressively so your fitness level and capacity will too.
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