Pilates cvičení pro začátečníky
Vyzkoušejte Pilates, během 30 minut si protáhnete a posílíte celé tělo.
This Dynamic Pilates 30 Minute Beginner Pilates Workout is designed to strengthen, tone and balance the body from head to toe. It is a great introduction for anyone looking to try Pilates, or reintroduce themselves to the basics whilst getting the core working hard! By the end of this workout you will be feeling more flexible, and stronger throughout the whole body.
To read more about our Instructor Caitlin or Dynamic Pilates please feel free to visit our website at www.dynamicpilateswa.com. Caitlin is currently fundraising for a volunteer trip to Thailand and Burma at the end of 2014, where she will volunteer and donate to Safe Haven Orphanage. Safe
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