Vital Gym & Fitness Center
9 4 y 5 norte, Norte 588, Centro, El Rosario Poniente, Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Opening hours
MON | 06:00-21:30 |
TUE | 06:00-21:30 |
WEN | 06:00-21:30 |
THU | 06:00-20:00 |
FRI | 07:00-13:00 |
SAT | Closed |
SUN | 06:00-21:30 |
MON | TUE | WEN | THU | FRI | SAT | SUN | |
06:00-21:30 | 06:00-21:30 | 06:00-21:30 | 06:00-20:00 | 07:00-13:00 | Closed | 06:00-21:30 | |
Vital Gym & Fitness Center
9 4 y 5 norte, Norte 588, Centro, El Rosario Poniente, Tuxtla Gutiérrez
01 961 611 1369
Avenida Central Poniente, Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Decima Norte Poniente SN, Barrio Niño de Atocha, Tuxtla Gutiérrez
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