Fitta bodies gym
Hilltop House, Bury Saint Edmunds
Fitta bodies gym is a Friendly family run gym, which offers a great range of weights and machines for you to choose from. In fact, our selection of free weights is the best in Bury and the owner Edward Selsby has won multiple competitions, whatever you health and fitness goals with his wealth of knowledge and expertise he can help you achieve them. There is no joining fee and you can pay as you go, meaning there is no Yearly subscription! Pop down for a friendly chat and a tour of the gym
Otevírací doba
PO | 09:00-21:00 |
ÚT | 09:00-21:00 |
ST | 09:00-21:00 |
ČT | 09:00-21:00 |
PÁ | 09:00-21:00 |
SO | 10:00-14:00 |
NE | 10:00-14:00 |
PO | ÚT | ST | ČT | PÁ | SO | NE | |
09:00-21:00 | 09:00-21:00 | 09:00-21:00 | 09:00-21:00 | 09:00-21:00 | 10:00-14:00 | 10:00-14:00 | |
Fitta bodies gym
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Fitta bodies gym
Hilltop House, Bury Saint Edmunds
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před 9 roky
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Ed Selby přidal nové sportoviště Fitta bodies gym
Hilltop House, Bury Saint Edmunds
Sporty:fitness, kondiční cvičení, posilování
před 9 roky
Sporty:fitness, kondiční cvičení, posilování
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