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nadim mia

1 členů | TÝM

The Supporting World of Cable Glands


There is always a need for cable glands. It could be the home, office or any property in any environment that requires such entities although they may be small pieces. There are various types of cable glands in the market such as metric, NPT or PG glands to suit the different industry or environment. There are equally many manufacturers and distributors of these useful pieces.




Cable glands are common household items or any environment that uses appliances and equipment that require electricity supply. PG Cable Gland Such products may be exposed to destructive elements like water or dirt that could incapacitate some sensitive electronics. This is where cable glands can be used to seal off wires and cables passing through electrical enclosures for the desired superior protection.




There is a wide range option of best glands to choose from for all the necessary tasks. Quality items would meet the International Protection Rating standard (IPR68) for the best protection of electrical items.


This International standard refers to 6 references of dust tight and 8 references for 1m deep water immersion; these cover sufficient protection from all forms of mishandling such as overspray or weather.


There is an expanding line up of good glands which are modern and easy to use in multiple sizes and threads. Most parts have optional washers and locknuts available for easy installation and function.




Cable glands offer great strain relief; hence, they perform excellently to their function. Thick enclosures allow easy threading while metal enclosures with thin sheets can use the locknut and gasket for a fast sealing.


Quality glands with the IPR68 standard ensure optimal performance with a longer durability over sub-standard ones. Replacement is low and easy with the availability of the right models in the market.


Every quality piece has its own approval to function effectively. There is a variable clamping range for accommodating all types of cables with multiple sizes. The best functional cable glands are those that have the smallest of maximum clamping range. They should be capable of working at certain temperature ranges such as -40°F to 221°F or as high as 300°F (149°C).

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