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Kee Log

1 členů | TÝM | United States



Wireless. Cutting-edge. Smart.

The AirDrive rs232 monitor is a compact serial and also RS-232 logging gadget, only 2.4" (61mm) in size. It can be accessed with any type of Wi-Fi device such as a computer system, laptop, tablet computer, or smart device.

The AirDrive Serial Logger Pro is an enhanced version of the AirDrive Serial Logger, with additional connectivity alternatives. It works both as a Wi-Fi hotspot, and also as a Wi-Fi tool, making it possible for attributes such as Email reports, time-stamping, as well as data streaming.More

The AirDrive Serial Logger Max is the most sophisticated information recorder in the AirDrive Serial Logger family, with all the capacities of the Pro variation, boosted with 8 GB internal memory offered as a USB Hi-speed flash drive (480Mbps).



Logs asynchronous serial transmission (rs232 monitor compatible) AirDrive Serial Logger DB-9

Baud rates as much as 115200 bps
Logs 2 streams simultaneously (RX as well as TX).
Small and portable, just 2.4" (61mm) long.
16MB interior flash memory.
Works as a Wi-Fi hotspot.
Attach from any type of computer, smartphone, or tablet computer.
Accessibility data from web browser, no software application or app necessary.
Fetch data remotely without touching the tool.
Straightforward and clear WWW user interface.
Sustains WEP, WPA, as well as WPA-2 network security.
Memory shielded by equipment file encryption.
USB-B side outlet for power (5V DC).

Pro and Max variation:.

Functions as a Wi-Fi hotspot, or as a Wi-Fi gadget.
Sends out Email records with recorded information.
Sustains time-stamping.

Max variation:.

8 gigabytes of built-in memory.
Memory obtainable as a USB Hi-speed flash drive (480Mbps).


Information taping from peripherals such as printers, terminals, keyboards, mice, card viewers.
Reverse-engineering of data exchange procedures.
Backups of delicate data from devices like Points-of-Sale, barcode scanners, card viewers.
Information logging from sensing units: temperature level, stress, voltage and so on

. AirDrive Serial Logger.

To find out more on AirDrive Serial Loggers most likely to


Data logging made basic.

The AirDrive Serial Logger is a compact asynchronous serial logger, with the ability of recording RS-232 data streams from gadgets like printers, terminals, key-boards, computer mice, barcode scanners etc. Attach the tool either to a solitary serial source, or in-line on a serial bus. Connect 5V DC power utilizing the side USB-B connector. The AirDrive Serial Logger will promptly start logging all data available on the bus, both upstream and also downstream (RX and also TX). No software or motorists are called for.
AirDrive Serial Logger - videotaping data.

Easy access.

All AirDrive tools act as Wi-Fi hotspots. You can link to them with any Wi-Fi device, such as a mobile phone, tablet computer, or laptop computer without also touching the gadget! The AirDrive tool will then provide a website with the data log and also setup alternatives. No additional software program or vehicle drivers necessary. AirDrive Serial Logger - Easy accessibility.

For even more Information : Click Here

AirDrive Serial Logger - Quick arrangement.

Quick setup.

Setting Up the AirDrive Serial Logger fasts and also straightforward. The only criteria that should be set are the serial bus qualities, such as the baudrate, bit count, parity and also quit little bits. This can be performed in less than a minute with the arrangement webpage.

The Pro version advantage.

The Pro version includes an effective set of features focused around the capability to act both as a Wi-Fi hotspot, and a Wi-Fi gadget with Internet connection. This lets loose a broad collection of alternatives, such as e-mail coverage, time-stamping, and live data streaming.


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