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What Are the Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor/Physiotherapist?


Chances are at some point in your life you have injured yourself. A lot of people will usually leave it and hope that it gets better on its own. While that does happen for very simple nicks, the problems arises when we continue to do that even though the injury keeps coming back or if it's a more severe injury and it doesn't get better. So then what do we do? Some people will continue to ignore the pain while some might see their family doctor who will usually prescribe medication to help the pain. But what about seeking someone else whose entire purpose of work is to assess and treat injuries, whether they be from sports, work, car accidents or just everyday life? Doesn't that make more sense?

Therapists like chiropractors and Physiotherapy Fort Langley have taken years of education to find out what's wrong in the human body and then correct it. They take courses in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and even nutrition. They work to fix muscles imbalances, restore motion in the joints and allow the nervous system to work properly. All these things together not only alleviate pain, they also allow you to get back to your daily activities without worry of re-injury. It's a very natural way of healing the body without the use of potentially harmful medications that can have serious side effects. All medications have a time and a place, but too often we use them as a masking agent rather than fix the real problem.

So how do they go about fixing people's problems? It makes sense that since there are so many different types of injuries, there are different treatments. They can range from very simple stretches and exercises to more involved treatments using acupuncture, joint mobilizations and muscle work techniques such as active release therapy. Besides using their hands to work on the body, chiropractors and physiotherapists can use technology aimed at reducing pain and swelling, such as electrotherapy, laser or ultrasound. At our clinic we find that our patients respond better when we use a combination of muscle work, therapies to reduce pain as well as exercise prescription in an "all in one" treatment. In this way you can treat the existing issue to resolve the immediate problem as well as work on correcting the underlying imbalance to avoid future injuries or relapses.

So as you can see seeking out a health practitioner that specializes in the assessment and treatment of body injuries can be more beneficial than just taking some medications and waiting for recovery. Working with your chiropractor or physiotherapist can speed up your recovery time and get you back to your normal life much faster.

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